LDS Movie Review: “Anxiously Engaged”

“Anxiously Engaged,” also known as “Piccadilly Cowboy,” for some reason, is one of the newest additions to the genre of LDS film. The story revolved around Carson Wells (Jaelin Petrie), a young man from Montana who now lives and works in London for a beef magnate. He is dating Lucy Armstrong, a young woman from his LDS ward, and has decided to ask her to marry him. She accepts and says that the only condition is that he go and talk to her grandfather to ask for her hand. When Carson gets in to see Mr. Armstrong, he realizes that … Continue reading

Stake Activity: Film Festival

One stake activity that would be fun is to have a stake film festival. This is basically a twist on the road show activities that have been done in the past. The activity will be fun and creative and can involve a lot of different ward members. You may want to focus on having the youth involved because they can pass of many different goals and values experiences by participating in this. The Boy Scouts have a Cinematography merit badge that can be passed off easily by completing this assignment. Here are some guidelines to make it a fun a … Continue reading