Lally’s Separation Anxiety

My poor little girl dog. Lally is my “Velcro dog” — she’s the one who’s usually at my side. When I’m home, she’s almost always in the room with me. (I’m doing my writing in my office today, and she’s in her spot between the desk and the wall. Meanwhile, Moose is out in the living room, watching the world through the patio door.) My fuzzy baby girl got quite spoiled when we lived with my grandmother — someone was almost always home. It was rare that both my grandmother and I were out of the house for too long. … Continue reading

I’ve Become the Crazy Dog Lady

It occurred to me this evening — as I was dicing chicken and string beans for the dogs’ supper — that I’ve become the Crazy Dog Lady. I really think I crossed the line when I started making my own dog food. There was all the time spent figuring out my recipe. There was all the prep work and planning — bake the chicken, chop the veggies, cook the rice. Now I’m performing mental math, wondering how long each batch of meat, rice, and vegetables will last, and how many meals the dogs will get. Is this cost effective? Am … Continue reading

No Bones about It

I have an ongoing beef with residents of this apartment complex who don’t treat it like a home. The people who don’t pick up after their dogs are a big part of my irritation; people who are irresponsible with garbage are another. I’ve lost count of how many time Moose has found some kind of vaguely edible treat on the ground — bread, fast food wrappers, bones, and more. I hope the litter is accidental, but when I think of how often Moose has crunched down on a chicken bone in the parking lot, I fear that it’s not. I’ll … Continue reading

I’m So Proud of Lally Today!

I’m especially proud of my boxer mix Lally today. We were out for a walk and she let three little girls pet her. Why is this a big deal? Lally isn’t as easygoing as my other dog Moose is. Moose loves everybody. When we’re out walking, Moose will gravitate towards any person he sees, hoping for some attention and affection. Lally is far more skittish. She gets nervous around strangers. She gets very agitated when children are running towards her. Other things that frighten her include bikes, skateboards, scooters, motorcycles, bouncing balls… let’s just say that a walk with Lally … Continue reading

The Dogs at the Party

If you caught yesterday’s blog about fireworks, you may remember that Moose and Lally were invited to attend a barbeque with me. I wasn’t sure if I should bring them, but in the end, since I was going to be out of the house for more than eight hours, I let the pups tag along. They’re good car riders. Moose flopped out on the back seat of my station wagon; Lally rode half the time in the passenger seat next to me and half the time in the way-back of the wagon. I was the one who had trouble — … Continue reading

A Sunday in the Life…

I love my dogs. As I type, Lally is walking over and around the laptop (one of the perils of sitting on the bed to work). Moose is laying on the floor beside the bed, occasionally treating me to an SBD. But really, the most special part of the day was our walk earlier. I got home from work at the cats only boarding facility just after eleven. Like every other morning that I work, I stop long enough to drop off my purse and keys, grab the leashes, and head out with the dogs for a walk. Barely ten … Continue reading

Just When I Think I Understand Them…

I’ve had my dogs, Moose and Lally, for a few years now. Lally joined the family in September 2003; Moose was adopted in January 2004. But just when I think I know them pretty well and can guess what they’re going to do… they surprise me. A good friend of mine bought a pair of cushy beds for her dogs, only to find that the dogs weren’t fond of them. She gave one of the beds to me in the hopes that I could reclaim my sleeping bag from Moose and Lally. And let me tell you — this is … Continue reading

Meet Pets Blogger Extraordinaire Aimee Amodio: The Interview

Aimee’s dogs Moose and Lally You know her as Aimee Amodio (or maybe by her handle NewroticGirl). I know her as my fellow Pets blogger. But just how well do we really know the woman behind the myth? Or just how true an animal loving soul she possesses? We’re about to find out. Aimee had the fun idea of interviewing every author we know, including ourselves, about our pets and how they factor into our writing lives. I thought it was a brilliant idea and hopped right on board to interview this prolific fellow animal-loving blogger who I so … Continue reading

Moose and Lally’s New Year’s Resolutions

With 2008 just a few days away, the dogs and I sat down to work on our New Year’s resolutions. Moose’s New Years Resolutions Moose resolves to stay out of traffic. For the rest of his life. He’s been pretty good since he got hit by a car back in June, but sometimes in the apartment complex parking lot, he has a bad habit of straying into the middle of the road between spots. Moose resolves to lose more weight. When we moved west in May, Moose weighed more than 100 pounds. His ideal weight is closer to 75. Slowly … Continue reading

Creative Messes

When it comes to making messes, it seems like pets are the pros! (Toddlers may be in the running for the Most Creative Mess title, too.) Something my dog Lally ate this week didn’t agree with her. (She tends to have a sensitive stomach.) I woke up to find little piles of barf (mostly bile) in the hallway. But they weren’t just any piles of barf — they were arranged in a circle, as if Lally was turning around as she was sick. If you imagine a compass rose, she had barf at all the cardinal points — north, south, … Continue reading