Non-Seafood Lenten Meals

What’s for dinner during Lent? Two words: Fish fry. Some families live and die by Fish Fry Fridays during Lent, but my clan is not one of them. Heck, my young daughter refuses to eat fish more than once a month, so weekly doses of seafood often result in hunger strikes (which, I suppose is not entirely inappropriate during Lent). If your family is tiring of the same ol’ Friday night fish stick dinner, then consider the following non-seafood Lenten recipes. Not only are they simple to make, they are also incredibly inexpensive: VEGETARIAN PIZZA POCKETS Ingredients: 12 Rhodes Texas … Continue reading

Ways to Go Green for Lent

Some people know how to be green, but have a hard time applying it. If you observe Lent as a time to abstain from something, consider these ways to go green: Fast from workday lunch I cannot fast because of my blood sugar. But, those like that like to fast during Lent can consider fasting from their workday lunch. If you eat out, you will save on gas (which also cuts down on emissions) and waste (especially if you drive-thru to get takeout). Consider taking your lunch hour to take a prayer walk or meditate. Fast from the television I … Continue reading

History of Mardi Gras

I found it funny that when I moved to San Diego, California – one of the biggest melting pots in America – that Mardi Gras was no big deal. In fact, some people I worked with didn’t even know what it was. I couldn’t even fathom that. After all, being raised in the South, Mardi Gras was a “holiday” I was aware of each year. Of course, living in Memphis was not like being in New Orleans for Mardi Gras, but you could still find King Cakes in the grocery store and there was always someone running around town with … Continue reading