Walt Disney Named Top ‘Art Hero’

According to a poll that was commissioned in Great Britain by the Arts Award, Walt Disney is considered the most respected artist among those polled between the ages of 18 and 25. The Arts Award is a national qualification for young people ages 11 to 25 recognizing them as artists and arts leaders. The award is actually a learning program that helps develop and assess arts-related skills. The poll found that young people value Walt Disney over Leonardo d’Vinci as artists that most inspire them. Jane Austen was the only author to even make the top ten in that list … Continue reading

Mona Lisa – Still Making the News

She is 500 years old and people are still fascinated with her and her smile. What fascinates me is that art experts and scientists were able to tell us more about her by using special 3-D and infrared technology this week. The Mona Lisa painting, done by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century, is perhaps one of the most famous paintings in the world. It hangs in the Louvre museum in Paris and is owned by the French government. This week, they allowed scientists and art experts to take a closer look at her. What did they find? They … Continue reading

The Kitchen Shears: What’s Their Story?

Oscar Wilde once said of scissors: “I can never cut a straight line. This ought to be, for I never do anything straight.” Did he know what he was talking about? Why are kitchen shears sometimes called scissors and vice versa? How could any tool have the nerve to be so versatile and whoever thought them up anyway? Any ideas? No, well read a bit more. It seems that many people invented the scissors or shears. Some say the very first pair can be traced back to around 260 BC and that they were first described by no one less … Continue reading