There is Hope for Gatorade Lovers!

You may love the taste of Gatorade, but the calories you can certainly live without. Perhaps you’re sensitive to sugar and have to watch your intake or you’re just trying to lose a few pounds and feel that cutting back on calorie laden beverages may help. (It will!) Whatever your reason, the Pepsi Company has finally come up with a solution. Pepsi is now offering a low-calorie version of Gatorade for those of us who have had to stay away from the original version for various reasons. The low-cal G2 is a response to the growing demand for non-carbonated beverages … Continue reading

Low Carb Swaps for Diabetics

If you have diabetes, your enemy isn’t just sugar. Carbohydrates can turn to sugar in the bloodstream, driving your blood glucose levels through the roof. When your body has too much sugar, it stores the excess as fat. Once the extra sugar goes into storage, your blood sugar level drops again. The American Diabetes Association suggests eating between 45 and 75 grams of carbohydrates at each meal and 15 to 30 grams of carbohydrates at snack time. This doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to carbs entirely, but you do have to make smart choices. Swap regular white or … Continue reading

Two Great Snacks for Diabetics

One thing I really like to do is snack. As I get older, I realize I need to be more cautious in my snacking. Whereas I could once wolf down a bag of Doritos and a can of French onion dip, I can no longer do that. I set out on a quest for healthier snacks. Oh, I know what you are thinking, “have a carrot stick”. But, I wanted something that was still tasty, just not quite as bad for me. Here is couple of recipes that I think fit that bill! Baked Onion Rings For this recipe, you … Continue reading