A Celebrity Mom’s Potential Best Seller

Here’s a book I doubt we’ll be seeing on the best-seller’s list. Then again… It may be a challenge for Lynne Spears to convince others to buy her new parenting book given her (most) famous daughter’s current situation. Britney’s mom is not lacking for juicy material for her new personal tell-all of raising two famous daughters. However, for whatever reason, Spears is not marketing her new book as such. Rather, the mom to 26-year-old Britney and remarkably “normal” (or perhaps she just appears this way in comparison to her messed up sister) 16-year-old actress Jamie Lynn teamed up with a … Continue reading

Britney Loses Kids AGAIN!

The smoldering trainwreck that is Britney Spears just got doused with more fuel. She hasn’t exploded yet (and least not in public), but it should be just a matter of time given the latest twist in her ongoing custody battle with ex-husband Kevin Federline. According to court documents, Spears has temporarily lost visitation rights with sons Preston, 2, and Jayden, 1… again. The court order reads: “[Spears’s] visitation with the minor children is suspended pending [her] compliance with court orders.” The ruling was ordered today following an emergency hearing that was requested by K-Fed’s attorney yesterday. According to TMZ.com, Spears … Continue reading

K-Fed Spawning Again?

Forget about Paris (at least for this blog)—let’s talk about what’s going on in the altered universe of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline. Yes, they are divorced, but they also share custody of their two young sons, so it’s not likely that we will ever be able to refer to one without mentioning the other. That said I wonder how the ex-Mrs. Federline is reacting to the news that K-Fed is preparing to be a dad—for the FIFTH time. Pick your jaw off the floor… there’s more. According to the New York Post, Federline’s on-again-off-again flame and mother of his … Continue reading