After the Election: McCain Does Leno and Four More Years of Olbermann

“Tonight” show host Jay Leno will be celebrating Veteran’s Day with one of the country’s most famous war heroes. Sen. John McCain is set to make his first post-election TV appearance on the “Tonight” show on Tuesday, according to NBC execs. The Republican presidential candidate is a former Naval officer and prisoner of war in Vietnam, a title he used heavily while campaigning against now President-elect Barack Obama. Insiders say McCain chose a talk show over a news show for his first post-election TV interview because he wanted a more lighthearted experience after his loss in a hard fought battle … Continue reading

Tucker Carlson Leaves MSNBC

I really only know of Tucker and his infamous bow tie from his stint on “Dancing with the Stars” (short though it was), but now you will not even be able to turn on MSNBC to see Tucker Carlson’s show “Tucker.” The show began in June 2003, but MSNBC just announced its cancellation today. Tucker will remain at MSNBC as a campaign reporter. Tucker is the son of Richard Warner Carlson, himself local news anchor in Los Angeles. He was also the director of the U.S. Information Agency and an ambassador to Seychelles, so maybe that is how Tucker got … Continue reading

Why Rosie Won’t Be Taking On Larry King

Isn’t it ironic? For months the peacock network has been courting Rosie O’Donnell for a possible primetime talk show to air on MSNBC. Then, less than a day after the acerbic comedian blabbed to the media about the pending deal, NBC pulled the plug on its offer. O’Donnell was spurned for speaking out of turn, but later laughed off the incident when speaking about NBC’s decision on her website. “Listen, I’m too old!” O’Donnell said with a chuckle. “When you’re young, you do those things. ‘Yes, I won’t tell anyone! Lock me in the NBC vault!’ ” So, here’s the … Continue reading

Pop Culture Potpourri: Rosie’s Return and the “Dancing” Tour

ROSIE’S RETURN There’s no keeping her away. Rosie O’Donnell is ready for primetime. But are you ready for Rosie on primetime? While nothing has been set in stone, new reports confirm that the former daytime talk show host turned “View” basher is hooking up with cable news channel MSNBC to host her own show. According to The New York Times, O’Donnell is currently in discussions with MSNBC, but no deal has been inked. The paper says various scenarios are being considered including giving O’Donnell a primetime slot that would pit her show against Hannity & Colmes on FOX News Channel … Continue reading