Money Strategies That Worked in Our Marriage

Today I’ll tell you some ways we approached the money issue in marriage. Mick and I always worked out our finances together. There were no secrets, except for the ones around Christmas, anniversary or birthdays. The main thing is to work out a budget and stick to it. But each person should have a little mad money they didn’t have to explain. This can be spent on clothes, saved for gifts, or used for whatever. Shop less regularly for groceries. We grocery shop once a month. Unfortunately fruit and vegetables have to be more often but stick to only that. … Continue reading

Budget Strategies: Include Fun Money in Your Budget

One important factor in helping you to stick to your budget is that it allows for some wiggle room or fun spending. This is an area that really can make a difference. In many ways a budget is like a diet for your money. If you set yourself up with too many restrictions you are setting yourself up for failure. It is important that you realize this and you may want to make the changes more slowly, so that you do not fail. One important thing to include in your budget is a fun money category. This should be spending … Continue reading