No Smell Hotel

How this for a refreshing change—a hotel void of foul odors. Hampton Hotels (they own Hampton Inns and Hampton Inn & Suites) new chain-wide “Non-Scents” program is guaranteeing guests rooms void of stale cigarette smoke, the smell of headache-causing cleaning products, and the putrid aroma of perfume mixed with body odor. The introduction of the “Non-Scents” program follows a month long survey of 1,000 people who almost unanimously responded negatively to distinctively foul odors in hotel rooms. More than 75% of respondents reported that cigarette smoke is the most dreaded smell in a hotel room. What’s more, the survey found … Continue reading

McDonald’s vs. “McCurry”

Chock another one up for the big guy. According to news reports, American burger chain (make that powerhouse) McDonald’s has just won a five-year legal battle against a tiny Malaysian restaurant called “McCurry.” A London newspaper reports that attorneys for the fast-food giant persuaded a judge that potential customers might confuse “McCurry” with McDonald’s. “McCurry” is a 24-hour open-air restaurant, which “serves spicy fish-head curries, tandoori chicken and other Indian delicacies on a street corner in Malaysia,” under a large neon “McCurry” sign. According to court documents, McDonald’s claimed: “The defendant’s use of the word “McCurry” and employing signage featuring … Continue reading