5 Quick Activities for Self Care

Many parents are looking forward to the start of a new school year. Keep in mind that back-to-school comes with hectic mornings, help with homework, and the enforcement of a bedtime routine (that may have lapsed over the summer). It is important for parents to take a little time for self care while the kids are at school. Here are a few simple ideas to start with. The Living Self-Care website says that moms and dads that take care of themselves first will have more to offer to their children (and to the rest of the world). Self-care doesn’t have … Continue reading

Little Eyes Are Fast Asleep

It seems the only “me time” I get these days is when Logan is fast asleep, even then it’s a little touch and go. This is often when I am up working on all of the things that I couldn’t manage to get done with a 4 year old that day, but it is also a time that I can relax, even if only for a few moments. We’ve been out of school for a few weeks now. For some reason I thought this would mean I would have more time to get things done. Somehow our days were just … Continue reading

Volunteering – Time For Yourself While Helping Others

For the past seven years I’ve been a work at home mom. I love the flexibility it offers since I can start and stop any time I please, take vacations, and not have a boss breathing down my neck. Well, to be honest, I’m the worst boss ever. I tend to push myself too hard and since I do work from home, all I think about when I’m at home is work. Whether I’m online writing articles, counseling a client, doing a movie review, or cooking and cleaning when I’m offline, I always tend to work. Since my kids are … Continue reading

Finding Me Time And Not Feeling Guilty About It

Anyone who’s a single parent knows it’s a full-time job and then some. You fulfill the role as maid, nurse, cook, disciplinarian, leader, handyman, psychologist, friend, confidant, teacher, and more. Combined with the fact that I homeschooled my kids and had a full-time job, so I could pay the bills, keep a roof over our heads, and clothes on our backs, it left no time for “me” time. Or so I thought. I went through two decades of setting myself aside so I could take care of the house, the kids and everything else that was crammed into my already … Continue reading

A Frugal Facial

Want a facial that is quick, easy and very frugal? Here is a great facial that you can make on your own, with ingredients you probably already have. It will make your skin so soft, and you will be amazed by the results. This time of year, it is important to take care of yourself. You’ve probably been organizing, cleaning, buying and making gifts, decorating, cooking, etc. Who has time to worry about beauty during the holidays, right? Believe me, I understand. I have three young children, one of whom is in his own flurry of school activity. It is … Continue reading

Take a Parenting Time-Out

In a previous blog I wrote about an article I read that detailed quirky rules that work. One of the rules was to tell your kids that you’re basically off mom duty at a certain time. The goal was to assure that mom had an opportunity each day to have some “me” time. I’ve found an equally effective way to have a few minutes alone (no, not locking myself in the bathroom!) and that’s taking a parenting time-out. Typically, we give our kids time-outs when they are misbehaving but we can also take a time-out for ourselves, to recharge and … Continue reading

Do You Suffer From One-More-Itis

A common complaint moms have is that there is never enough hours in the day. We also complain that we never have enough “me” time. One reason we may not be able to finish everything on our to-do list or snag a little me time is a little disease I like to call one-more-itis. One-more-itis is very common. I suffer from one-more-itis and I bet some of you do too. Or at least know someone who does. The disease compels moms to continuously do one more. It could be one more load of laundry or one more quick phone call … Continue reading

Tips To Recharge Your Batteries

One of the things that amazes me about being a parent, especially the parent of a young child, is how draining it can be. When Tyler was born I expected the early years to drain me of energy but I figured as he aged and was able to do more for himself I would once again have the energy I had in my pre-baby days. NOT! It really does not get much better. Not only do you have your needs to take care of but the needs of a small walking, talking human. The past few months I have been … Continue reading

Taking a Vacation Before the Summer Break

As parents, we sometimes have a hard time taking a break without feeling guilty. With school ending this week, I decided I would take a vacation and prepare myself for a busy summer. Not a full-time vacation just a few hours off in the morning and a light writing schedule. I figured this week I would drop Tyler off at school and instead of taking my morning walk and then commencing with my work, I would drop him off and then take a two-hour nap. Then get up and work for two hours, have lunch and chill. I figured it … Continue reading

“Me” Time

Sometimes the answers we seek are literally right in front of us. As parents we often talk about not getting enough “me” time. However, there is a way and it’s really quite simple. What you have to do is take out a calendar or day planner and schedule time for yourself. That’s right, make a date with yourself. You’re equally as important as any activity or appointment aren’t you? Nod your head “yes”. I had read on several separate occasions that you should schedule exercise into your day. That you should actually write it down as an appointment. Why not … Continue reading