A Wedding Gift toTreasure

Is there a wedding coming up in your family? What about a unique wedding gift? In the marriage blog I wrote about a unique recipe book. This is adapted from that idea. What about giving the happy couple a book of the family’s favorite verses and those of family members? Each page could include a favorite bible verse or two as well as a few lines about why that verse is special to you. You might include an example of a situation or story of where that verse was a help to you in your life or a drawing, a … Continue reading

Memory Verse Suggestions for Children

In my previous blog I talked about a couple of different crafts to make to display memory verses for children. As I mentioned before, I just recently started teaching a children’s Bible class on Sunday mornings. Each week I try to find a memory verse for the children that is not only easy enough for them to remember, but also easy for them to understand. Depending on the age of your child, you may need to shorten the length of the verses that I cite below. Old Testament Memory Verse Suggestions “In the beginning God created the heaven and the … Continue reading

Displaying Memory Verses for Children

I just recently started teaching a children’s Bible class on Sunday mornings. When I’m teaching I’m always thinking of different ways to help the kids learn their memory verse for the week. I try to think of ways that the child can display the memory verse all week long in a place that they see every day. Here are a couple of different ideas that I have thought about using. Memory Verse Magnet This is a very simplistic craft, but it definitely puts the memory verse in a location where the child (and hopefully other members of the family) will … Continue reading