Barack and Michelle Obama Visit the White House

Yesterday, Barack Obama got a close up look at his new stomping grounds for the next four years as he was given a tour of the Oval Office by President Bush in their first official meeting. The incoming president described his new office as “pretty nice.” First Lady Laura Bush took Michelle Obama to her new domain – the East Wing. Then, Laura and Michelle rejoined Bush and Obama to check out the private residence where the Obamas, along with their daughters Malia, 10 and Sasha, 7, will live. The Obamas also met with Coast Guard Admiral Stephen Rochon (director … Continue reading

What’s This about the Obamas Getting a Puppy?

Barack Obama’s win was, naturally, the talk of all the news yesterday. But of course the thing that caught my ear was the focus on how the Obamas were considering getting a puppy. The Puppy Speech I’d tried to stay awake for Obama’s victory speech Tuesday night, but instead I ended up falling asleep. I guess if I would have watched it I would have heard for myself the part where he said he was going to reward his daughters’ support and patience during the campaign with a puppy. I was surprised to hear they were considering a puppy. I … Continue reading

Fox News Blasted for Calling Michelle Obama Degrading Name

I sure wouldn’t want to be the news producer who came up for the graphic on this one… Fans of Fox News Channel have likely seen this story ad nauseam but if you are not a regular cable channel viewer allow me to get you up to speed: Last week some producer who thought that he/she was being clever referred to Michelle Obama (wife of presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama) as “Obama’s baby mama” in a graphic that aired during a story in which she appeared. The full graphic read: “Outraged liberals: Stop picking on Obama’s baby mama.” It was … Continue reading