Do Your Parents Influence Your Spending Habits?

Were your parents big spenders? Or were they savers? Did your parents ever talk about money to you? Do they talk about money to you now? What about your in-laws’ spending habits? Are they different from the ones you grew up with? Does your spouse have the same money traits as his parents? Do you? Often money is a taboo subject in a parent child relationship. Many parents are not comfortable discussing the finances with their children. This is truer in a family where there is tension surrounding the money issues. If spouses do not openly communicate with each other, … Continue reading

Does Money Equal Happiness?

Does money equal happiness? This is an interesting question. Many people would say yes, that having money would mean that you are happy. However managing your money so that you can meet all of your necessities and many of your wants is what would allow people the security, which may contribute to their happiness. Those who are poor and struggle to meet their needs (food, shelter and clothing) on a regular basis would find a lot of the pressure relieved if they had enough money to meet those needs. The worry that they carry with them each day might very … Continue reading

New Financial Tools at is a great resource for your family. It offers articles about a wide variety of topics from job hunting, to food storage to financial planning. Recently the site has added some additional tools to help you achieve your financial goals. The tools are calculators that can help you see where your money is going and how to use it most effectively. The tools include calculators that help you see where your money is being spent. You can also see the effects of spending less and saving more in the long-term plan. The calculators also estimate the amount of time … Continue reading