Finances, Work and Marriage

Who is the main financial planner in your marriage? Is it you or your spouse? According to Nancy Gibbs in her article What Women Want Now, 65% of women cite themselves as being the family’s main financial planner. 71% labeled themselves the ’family accountant.’ Mediamark Research and Intelligence tends to back up those claims saying women in the make 75% of the buying decision in home in the USA. I wonder is it any different in Australia or the U.K. Anyone care to comment? Despite the recession and economic downturn many women have more control over money than ever before. … Continue reading

Recession Effects on Marriage – Your Choice

Experts are coming out with prophecies of doom and gloom about recession and its effect on marriage. Dr. Matthew Bambling, an Australian psychologist from Queensland University of Technology, has waned that ‘the impact of the economic crisis is bound to put emotional pressure on relationships.’ But it doesn’t have to. Those of us who have been through loss of jobs, increased interest rates and problems trying to buy a home, have found that those hard times can actually bring a couple closer, if we let it. Talking recently with friends we laughed over some of the struggles we had financially … Continue reading

The Importance of Honesty and Finances in Marriage

It is important to be completely honest about your finances with your spouse. This can be difficult at times, especially if you are spending more money than your spouse would approve of. It can also be difficult if you just do not have enough money each month—the situation is stressful and you may just want to avoid thinking about it, let alone talking about it. It may be that you have credit card debt that your spouse does not know that you have racked up. You may be hiding a savings account from a less frugal spouse as well. It … Continue reading