An FHE Challenge

Yesterday in Sunday School we learned about Moses’ last sermon to the Children of Israel. We learned about the advice he gives them, about the phylacteries they wore, and the symbols they placed on their doorposts to remind them of their God. While we don’t wear these leather bands on our heads and arms, we aren’t so different today. Many LDS people wear symbols of their faith including CTR rings, Young Women medallions or scouting pins, and other visual reminders. Many of us also have visual reminders in our homes of our faith such as pictures, statues, and plaques. But … Continue reading

Going Forward Through the Sea

This week’s Torah portion describes one of the greatest miracles ever recorded: The Splitting of the Red Sea. It is said that even the simplest handmaid who saw this event experienced the highest level of prophecy. The Lubavitcher Rebbe has said that the we are currently in the era of the messiah and the Ultimate Redemption. This redemption will resemble the redemption from Egypt, which we read about in the Book of Shemot, or Exodus. Since the coming Redemption will be even greater than the exodus from Egypt, we can expect to see miracles even more astounding than the splitting … Continue reading

Evidence: The Sin of Biblical People

This evidence for the existence of God was recently brought to my attention and I believe it is yet another example of the abundance of knowledge the world has for the Lord. Consider a normal history book. For the most part, do history books speak about the good and bad qualities and characteristics of heroes? Not usually. Most history books speak highly of individuals who are known for wonderful accomplishments, and leave the darker side of these individuals’ out (or barely speak of it at all). This is where the Bible greatly differs from many history books. The Bible is … Continue reading