Movie Misquotes – Part 3

Just like Jimi Hendrix’s “Scuse me while I kiss this guy,” movies too have been misquoted. Here are the last of the movie misquotes that I can find. Did I forget any that you know of? “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? The Queen from 1937’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs actually called it a “Magic mirror.” “He’s Alive!” Fans of the original Frankenstein and those that love the movie Weird Science, which shows a clip of this line will actually know that the real line is “It’s Alive!” “Come up and see … Continue reading

Movie Misquotes – Part 2

I threw out a few movie misquotes in one of my last blogs, so here are a few more. Are you guilty of any misquoting? “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto.” Yes, it is true that as Dorothy, Judy Garland never uttered these words in The Wizard of Oz. What she actually said was “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas any more.” “I want to suck your blood.” While many of us associate the quote “I want to suck your blood” with Dracula, Bela Lugosi never said that in the 1931 version of Dracula. However, Tim … Continue reading

Movie Misquotes – Part 1

I love movie quotes. I must drive my husband nuts because I am constantly quoting my favorite movies around the house. But, there are some instances where I misquote. Oh, I get the general idea of the quote and I’d swear I was right, until I see the actual movie and hear the character say the line. However, I am not the only one. The other day, I came across some of the most commonly misquoted movie lines. See if you fall for any of these: “Play it again, Sam.” Even those that haven’t seen Casablanca know this quote. But, … Continue reading