Are Your Muscles Sore?

Have you ever rolled over in the morning and felt so stiff you could hardly reach the alarm clock? It’s a pretty common phenomenon we’ve all experienced after a particularly arduous physical workout whether it was helping a friend move or taking the kids out for an extended day at the water park or just pushing that extra set in the gym. It’s called delayed muscle soreness and for many it’s a huge turn off from exercising. After all, if they feel worse after doing it – why would they do it? If you understand what causes sore muscles, you … Continue reading

Pain Medicine: Naproxen

There are plenty of choices at the pharmacy when you need a painkiller. One option is naproxen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used for managing pain, fever, and inflammation. You may know naproxen as: Aleve, Anaprox, Naprelan, or Naprosyn. How does it work? Naproxen helps reduce the levels of certain chemicals that cause pain, fever, and inflammation in your body. These chemicals are called prostaglandins. Naproxen works by blocking the enzyme that manufactures prostaglandins, which helps relieve swelling, pain, and fever. Naproxen is available both over the counter and in stronger doses prescribed by your doctor. The usual adult dose falls … Continue reading

New Labels For Familiar Painkillers

By the end of 2007, you can expect to see new labels and stricter safety warnings on your over the counter pain relievers. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration proposed the new warnings in December, which would affect hundreds of prescription and nonprescription products. What will the warnings address? Acetaminophen (the pain reliever in Tylenol) will come with a warning about the potential for “severe liver damage” if they take more than the maximum daily dose, combine the pills with other drugs, or drink alcohol while taking the drug. NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil’s ibuprofen, aspirin, and Aleve’s naproxen) … Continue reading