The Names of God: Jehovah, The Great I Am

If there is an attribute of God that stirs up awe within us, this is it. God is Jehovah, the Great I Am, the self-existent one. Jehovah is the name for God most frequently used in the Old Testament. It is derived from havah which means “to be, to become.” Therefore, Jehovah speaks to God’s very being. Nathan Stone, a Biblical scholar writes this in his commentary, “Jehovah is the One who in Himself possesses essential life, permanent existence.” The Great I Am We first see ‘I Am’ at the burning bush. Remember Moses is speaking with God, trying to … Continue reading

The Names of God–Adonai

Out of all the names of God that we’re going to study, this is the one that goes against the grain in our society and culture. If we’re going to reject one of God’s attributes; one of His names–Adonai is the one that gets overlooked or twisted. Adonai means Lord and Master. Can you say that’s true in your life? Lord and Master In Biblical times, slavery was common and so I’m sure the ideas of servitude, submission and being dependant on a master were easily understood. A slave was not his own person, but was the property of the … Continue reading

The Names of God–El Shaddai

El Shaddai means “The All Sufficient One”. There are so many things to say about God being all sufficient I hardly know where to start. He is all sufficient to provide for our needs–both physical and spiritual. He is all sufficient to carry us through the storms of life and He is all sufficient for salvation. We see the name El Shaddai, all throughout the Old Testament. We see El Shaddai especially in the life of Abram turned Abraham. Abraham was in an impossible situation. He was nearly 100 and did not yet have a child. Sarai was baron, and … Continue reading

The Names of God–El Roi

El Roi is the God who sees. We have been focusing a lot on God’s sovereignty and here is another example of God’s name bearing his true character. Genesis 16: 13-14 (Hagar) gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen [c] the One who sees me.” Background Do you remember Hagar? She was Sarai’s maidservant. Sarai didn’t believe that she would get pregnant and so to help God fulfill His promise to Abraham she insisted Abraham sleep with Hagar. Hagar bore Abraham a son, … Continue reading

The Names of God–El Elyon

But at the end of that period I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever; for His dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom endures from generation to generation. And all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, but He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand or say to Him, “What hast Thou done?” Daniel 4: 34-35 Who is God … Continue reading

The Names of God–Elohim

Elohim is one of the names for God in the Old Testament. Elohim is God the creator and most of the time in the Old Testament, Elohim is translated as God and Jehovah is translated as Lord (although there are exceptions to that). It is also significant because in Hebrew, Elohim is a plural ending. It speaks of the three different persons of a triune God. Do you ever feel as if you are living circumstances that really don’t belong to you? That surely God didn’t intend this for you? This is precisely the time to remember Elohim, the God … Continue reading

The Names of God–An Introduction

Like most parents we took great care in naming our children. We picked names that were meaningful and had stories to tell. Elizabeth Helen, my oldest is named after my grandmother. Her name means “a light consecrated to God.” Interestingly, she has already declared her desire to be a missionary and is active in our evangelistic outreaches within our neighborhood. For each of my kids there is a story to their name; something that has meaning for my husband and I and that will have meaning for them when they’re old enough to understand it. Likewise throughout the Bible names … Continue reading

The Names of Our God

Did you know that God has several names in the Old Testament? For instance, when you see the word “God”, you are reading the Hebrew word “Elohim”. When you see the word “Lord”, you are reading the Hebrew word “Adonai”. Likewise when you see the word “LORD” with all capital letters, you are seeing the Hebrew word Yahweh or Jehovah. The Jehovah names of God are also broken down to several other, more specific names for God. The fascinating thing about the names of God is that they each have a specific meaning that teach us something about the character … Continue reading