Sweat Lodges: Spiritual Healing or Deadly Adventure?

I believe that being green involves many different aspects. You have to love and respect the environment, animals, and other people, but to me, part of being green also involves taking care of yourself – both physically by eating better foods and trying to cut out bad habits like smoking and stressing. But, I believe you should also take care of yourself spiritually. A lot of people look to Native Americans for healing ceremonies. One that has become popular is a sweat lodge. The sweat lodge is like a really intense sauna. While in the darkened sweat lodge, participants often … Continue reading

Native American Heritage Day

There are so many holidays, but this year, the federal government decided to honor Native Americans – well, at least for one day. While I was busy blogging about Black Friday, the (sometimes) biggest shopping day of the year, I missed the news that, at least for this year, the government decided to name the Friday after Thanksgiving as Native American Heritage Day. (This image is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States Federal Government under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code. See … Continue reading