Parables: The New Cloth/Old Garment, New Wine/Old Bottles

I have never really understood what Jesus was talking about when he gave the parable about not putting a piece of new cloth on an old garment. All four of the gospels record this parable, so the meaning must be important for us to understand. The text of Matthew 9:16-17 says, “No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment; for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment and the rent is made worse. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth … Continue reading

Divorce in the Bible

In Matthew 19:3 the Pharisees went to Jesus and asked, “Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for any cause?” They were testing Jesus to see if He would agree with the Old Testament, or contradict it in a way that would allow the religious leaders to trap Him or turn the Jewish people against Him. The Old Testament rule for divorce is found in Deuteronomy 24:1 “When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness … Continue reading

Five Reasons to Study the Old Testament

Generally, if someone believes in God they will read and study the New Testament. Yet for some reason many people who believe in God do not have the same desire to study the Old Testament. Sadly, I have often heard people say it is not important to study the Old Testament. Even worse, I have heard people say that the Old Testament is just filled with legends and the stories simply are not true. I have even heard of people who believe in God make those types of remarks about the Old Testament. It IS important to study the Old … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: A Light to Darkness

As I prepare for Sunday’s classes, I try to break each lesson down into smaller parts and study it throughout the week. This helps me to ponder the various parts of each lesson more fully, and to do more in-depth study of each section. It also makes the larger parts easier to handle. The first two scriptures I found in the first Sunday School lesson of the new year gives me an overview of Christ’s life and mission. What a way to start the new year and a new way to study! Isaiah 61:1-3 was a quote that Christ actually … Continue reading

Helping Children Memorize the Books of the Bible

Memorization can often be a frustrating task, even for adults. Children could certainly use some help regarding the memorization of the books of the Bible (there are 66 books after all). (Actually many adults could use some help regarding the memorization of the books of the Bible too!) Here is an activity that I developed to help the children in my Bible school class learn the books of the Bible. You will need just a couple of simple materials. First, you need a strip of paper with each book of the Bible written on it (I printed it out on … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The New Testament Books

Previously, I mentioned the necessity of teaching children basic concepts about the Bible: what it is, where it came from, who wrote it, and why it is important. This current lesson is necessary to help build the skills that children need to become students of the Word of God. Children need to memorize the books of the New Testament. From an early age children can learn to “Books of the New Testament” song. The song has a very easy tune. Why do children need to memorize the books of the New Testament? To have more knowledge about the Bible. To … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The Bible

In the children’s Bible school class I teach on Sunday mornings I decided to “take a break” from the lessons I had been teaching the children from the book of Matthew for three lessons which I think are vital to any child’s Bible knowledge. The three part series is over the Bible and includes the following lessons: The Bible, The New Testament, and The Old Testament. These lessons seem so basic it might be easy to forget to teach children these important lessons. When I began teaching the children in my Bible school class I assumed they had some knowledge … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The New Testament

I recently completed the Bible Stories to Share with Your Children Series over the book of Genesis. I thought it would be a good idea to switch gears a little bit, and to go through a New Testament book, specifically the book of Matthew, next. Starting with the book of Matthew will help your children have a good understanding of the life of Jesus. A good way to begin the study of the book of Matthew is to actually talk about Matthew and his role in the life of Christ. Teach your children that Matthew was a tax collector, and … Continue reading