Stage One

As you may have noticed from my previous article, I am beginning a series of articles based on the stages of marriages and relationships. Couples may encounter many stages as they travel through marriage. Most newlyweds begin somewhere around the same stage. Thankfully the first stage of marriage is the romantic, helplessly in love stage. Without this stage we would likely not get married at all. This first stage is wonderful. Everything is wonderful. You cannot possibly imagine anything that could go wrong. You expect for things to always remain as perfect as they are now. In this stage couples … Continue reading

Hot Hawaiian Travel Deals For Couples

We are on the cusp of the summer wedding season and the timing is not being lost on those in the travel industry. Hawaii, known as one of the world’s top wedding destinations, is offering some spectacular deals for couples in love. What’s nice about these specials is that you don’t necessarily have to be a “newlywed” to take advantage of them. Resorts are offering deals to couples traveling to the “Aloha State” on their second, third, fourth, or twenty-second honeymoon. As long as you are with someone you love you can rake in the savings. On the “Garden Isle” … Continue reading

These High, Green Hills – Jan Karon

“These High, Green Hills,” the third installment of the Mitford series, finds Father Tim and Cynthia as newlyweds. Tim has never been married, and now in his sixties he’s finding the idea of having a wife delightful, challenging, and invigorating. Each day, Cynthia presents him with new thoughts and dreams, and he loves listening to her flights of fancy. He’s not so crazy about her intense desire to bring the furniture from her house next door over to the rectory, and take the rectory furniture over to her house (which she has retained as a studio) but when she explains … Continue reading

It Might just be the Newlywed Blues

Now that the honeymoon is over and life has turned into a steadier routine, you may find that you or your spouse is feeling a little “let down.” Maybe both of you are experiencing it. Once all the excitement of the wedding and honeymoon trip has passed and life begins to settle down, many spouses begin to feel a bit depressed. It’s similar to how many people feel after Christmas is over. After weeks or months of build up, the planning, the preparations, the thrill of it all seems to be over too quickly. Most people are able to adjust … Continue reading

Should Couples Host Housewarming Parties?

If you’re newly married and recently moved into your home or even if you’ve been married for a while and recently purchased a home, having a housewarming party is a nice idea. Friends and family will be curious about your new home, so invite them over and show it off. Some guests will bring gifts, although newlyweds are likely to receive fewer items, since wedding gifts were recently given. Be sure those wedding gifts are in plain view when guests arrive. If you don’t want gifts, but simply want people to visit to see your new home, indicate this on … Continue reading

Getting Married Soon?

Are you getting married soon? Are you a newlywed? Are you ready for what’s to come next in your life as you and your spouse begin this journey? If the answer is, no but we are doing our best. Then you, like all other couples, will benefit from a little advice. The great thing about advice, like a buffet, is that it is plentiful and you can take from it what you would and go back for more if you are still hungry. The following advice comes from numerous sources and I’ve collected it into the following list: Attack the … Continue reading

Anne’s House of Dreams – L.M. Montgomery

After many years of medical school, Gilbert Blythe is a doctor, and he has found a practice away from Avonlea. Taking his new bride, Anne Shirley Blythe, he moves and settles down in a new house, which Anne immediately sets about making their very own. She loves being a doctor’s wife, but more importantly, she loves being Gilbert’s wife, and they quickly adapt to their new life together. While out taking a walk one night, Anne spies a beautiful young woman out driving her geese, and becomes curious who she is. She finds out that the woman is Leslie Moore, … Continue reading

Hawaii–A Honeymooner’s Paradise

If you have ever visited Hawaii this news should come as no surprise to you. If you have ever dreamed of visiting Hawaii then this news may encourage you to book a trip. For the tenth year in a row, Hawaii beat out other sunny locales to retain the title of Modern Bride Magazine’s top destination for honeymooners. The “Aloha State” took the No. 1 slot in the magazine’s annual “World’s Best Honeymoons” beating out exotic destinations Tahiti (2), Italy (3), Mexico (4), Fiji (5), Anguilla (6), St. Lucia (7), Bermuda (8), France (9) and Costa Rica (10). The annual … Continue reading

Newlyweds and Stress

The big arguing points for newly weds are finances and circumstances, and the first few months can be very stressful if you are forced to live somewhere uncomfortable while you are looking for a bigger apartment or waiting for your new house deal to close. If this is the case, you may end up staying with in-laws for a time, and that can be extremely hard on newly weds. If you are in her mother’s house, mom may not be entirely ready to let go of her little girl, or if it’s a case of staying with his parents, you … Continue reading

It’s Official: The “Newlyweds” Are Now Newly-Divorced

Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey are now officially divorced. Court papers filed Friday state that the pop stars “are restored to the status of single, unmarried persons.” In addition, Jessica’s name is restored to Jessica Simpson (from Jessica Simpson Lachey). So there it is… another Hollywood union bites the dust. For those of you who have been sheltered from the very public break up of Lachey, 32, and Simpson, 25, here’s a brief recap: Both stars were fledgling pop-singers (Lachey part of the boy band “98 Degrees” and Simpson a solo artist) they met at the Hollywood Christmas parade, dated, … Continue reading