Education Blog Month in Review: November

By November, students have settled in to the routine of school. The month of November brought with it lots of education news, from sex education and ethics in the classroom to upcoming policy changes that may affect when some students graduate. Check here to review any important posts that you may have missed. November 3rd Schools Required to Improve Dropout Rates Last month, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings announced a new set of regulations that are aimed at making high schools accountable for high school drop out rates. November 7th New Plans to Graduate Kids in 10th Grade The last two … Continue reading

Education Blog in Review: November 3rd Through November 16th

Education is a serious topic. Make sure you know all of the current news by reading the education blog. Here is a review of all of the articles posted here in the past two weeks. November 3rd Schools Required to Improve Dropout Rates Last month, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings announced a new set of regulations that are aimed at making high schools accountable for high school drop out rates. November 7th New Plans to Graduate Kids in 10th Grade The last two years of high school are generally spent preparing for college and enjoying the last hurrahs of senior year, … Continue reading

National Teleconference to Discuss NCLB Regulations

Confused about No Child Left Behind and the new final regulations that are coming out? Officials from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) will be discussing the final regulations (Title 1 regulations) to strengthen the No Child Left Behind Act during a national teleconference. The public is invited to attend. The teleconference will be held on November 13th, 2008, between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. ET. You can call in any time between 1:30 p.m. and 2 p.m. that day. ED officials will discuss the new regulations and answer any questions that have either been e-mailed in advance or asked … Continue reading

Schools Required to Improve Dropout Rates

Last month, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings announced a new set of regulations that are aimed at making high schools accountable for high school drop out rates. The new rules are an extension of the “No Child Left Behind” act, which until now has concentrated on meeting requirements for grades three through eight. Now, high schools will have to be accountable as well. They must meet targets for annual graduation rates and may be fined if they don’t achieve these targets. Consequences include having to pay for tutoring and replacing the principal of the school. Statistically, one in four high school … Continue reading