Humor: National Grump Out Day

Here is another obscure holiday that you can have fun celebrating at home. Today, may 7th is National Grump Out Day for the United States of America. During this holiday, we are all supposed to stamp out grumpiness and eradicate it wherever we find it, whether it be in our selves or in others. No matter how sleep deprived you are, no matter how awful your boss is, you are simply not allowed to be grumpy (that is if you want to celebrate). It is hard not to have fun with this holiday, although I don’t know if it will … Continue reading

Calendar of Strange Holidays and Other Events for Scrapbooking In April

Imagine the strange and jazzy layouts you can make celebrating some of these wild, wacky and unusual holidays. These have been collected and compiled from various sources over the years of my teaching and we celebrated many of them in the classroom. Celebrate them with your children and family and create fun and wacky layouts! The Month of April Keep American Beautiful Month Mathematics Education Month Month Of The Young Child National Garden Month National Humor Month Pets Are Wonderful Month First Week of April is: National Reading a Road Map Week National Straw Hat Week Egg Salad Week Second … Continue reading