Keeping Kids Safe Online

When you are a single parent your child may spend more time unsupervised than you would like, it’s important to teach them basic safety. One of the big areas that you need to be concerned with is the internet. While there are many good things online, education things, there are other things that can be harmful if your child ventures in unsupervised. Everyone has heard stories of online predators and bullies, so how do we protect our kids? I think the most important thing you can do it talk with your children. Before they go online the first time it … Continue reading

Internet Safety: Intruder In the House

You may think that if your computer is in plain sight for all family members to see that your child is thus safe from the predators and child molesters who lurk, like alligators in leafy glades, waiting for unsuspecting prey. As is the case with all other primitive frontiers, there are no boundaries at inception. They are first set then established and honed, depending on use and abuse. Although the Internet has been around for quite a while, there is still a paucity of laws concerning child safety and protection from those who would hurt our children. This muddled mess … Continue reading

The epidemic of online child sexual crimes

The issue of keeping children safe from online child predators has steadily increased over the past few years. From newspapers (e.g., New York Times) to news journal shows (e.g., Dateline NBC) to popular daytime shows (e.g., Oprah), the topic has been discussed. I am amazed, however, at the number of parents, teachers, and adults who still think that the epidemic of online predators is not really an important issue. Yes, that’s right. I call it an epidemic. Thousands of children each year worldwide are solicited and even abducted as a result of participating in unmonitored online activities. It’s time for … Continue reading