Fitness Journal – Pain Management

Part of the goal of this fitness journal is to explore the ways you can document your own fitness. Sometimes we focus just on the workout, other times we focus on what motivated us and today, we’re going to focus on the obstacles in our path to getting where we want to be. Pain Management When we refer to pain management in fitness, we’re talking about our measured response to pain stimulus. I don’t mean we’re interested in causing injury to ourselves. In fact, in fitness pain is a necessary component that warns us if we’ve gone too far or … Continue reading

Did Hypnobirthing Work for Me?

Hypnobirthing worked for me on many levels, but I did not have a completely pain free experience. At the same time I was not seeking a completely pain free experience and so I was not disappointed in the results. I used the Hypnobabies program, which is a home study program. The classes last about six weeks. You read from a manual and then listen to a CD every day. You can slow down the classes by listening to the CDs for a longer amount of time. After you complete the class you are supposed to follow a maintenance program, which … Continue reading