Four More Parental Liable Issues

Negligent Supervision is a legal theory where a minor child’s parents are held liable for their child’s negligent acts when parent knows or has a reason to know that it’s necessary to control the child and the parent fails to take actions to do so. Anyone with the custody and control of a child may be held liable including grandparents, guardians, foster parents or other adults with custody and control of a child. In most cases there isn’t a dollar limit for negligent supervision liability claims. In some situations an Insurance Umbrella or Homeowners insurance policy might offer some protection … Continue reading

Parental Liability: When your Child Becomes a Parent.

Every year thousands of teenage girls, many as young as 12 years old, enter United States Welfare system because they become pregnant. Teenage girls are usually eligible for welfare benefits in order to meet the needs of their children. Typically the fathers are non custodial parents with many of them teenagers as well. Teen aged parents still supposed to be attending high school and unable to pay child support because they don’t have jobs. The common name for this situations is a “minor-mother” case. When a teenage girl has a baby it is automatically reported to the state child support … Continue reading

Parental Liability: Civil Behavior and Criminal Children.

Parental liability is the official legal term that defines the parent’s responsibility to pay for any damages caused by negligent, intentional, or the criminal behavior and acts of their child or children. Our children are a risk we as parents are liable while they are in our care. In many states the parents are liable for any malicious or willful property damage their children might cause. Most states start holding parents responsible when their child is between that ages of eight and ten. In every state the lays vary regarding the monetary threshold or limit for damages that may be … Continue reading

Update: Parents Control Your Kids’ Behavior In School Or You May Have To Pay A Fine

Here’s an update on a blog I wrote earlier this week. It concerned a new policy in a small fishing town just outside of Mobile. The policy was enacted to address the rising behavior problems and poor attendance in this small community’s four public schools. The policy holds parents accountable for the unruly behavior of their kids. Parents are also held accountable for unexcused absences. An offending parent could face a fine or serve jail time. Several readers left opinions about this policy. Some agreed with the policy while others didn’t think it was such a good idea. Over the … Continue reading

Holding Parents Responsible For the Actions of Their Children

Parents have always been held liable, to a certain extent for their children’s actions in the United States. Some of the early parental liability statutes provided the juvenile court system jurisdiction over parents who had “contributed to the delinquency of a minor” My father spoke often of the “Truant Officer” who spends the day looking for wayward youth and sent notice of fines to his parents. During the past several years, parental liability laws have become much more popular due to societies fear of juvenile crime. Public support for new laws holding parents responsible for the actions of their dependent … Continue reading