Educational Programs for Kids in Hawaii

In a previous blogs I mentioned that you would regret traveling all the way to Hawaii and not visiting the state’s most famous tourist attraction–Pearl Harbor Naval Base. The base is home to the USS Arizona, the USS Utah, the Battleship Missouri, the USS Missouri Memorial, and the newest addition to the area, the Pacific Aviation Museum on Pearl Harbor’s Ford Island. What I failed to mention in those blogs is that youngsters (age 5 and up) have the opportunity to get more out of their visits by enrolling in special summer programs. Pearl Harbor’s Educational Summer Programs are designed … Continue reading

Spending Memorial Day at Pearl Harbor

Memorial Day is a little more than a week away and while you might have your travel plans set to embark on a weekend adventure to the beach, the woods or the lake it would behoove you take some time between your barbeques and ball games to remember what this holiday is all about. Memorial Day was set aside to honor all the men and women who have given their lives in military service to this country. The holiday began as a tribute to Union soldiers during the American Civil War. Following World War I, the observance was expanded to … Continue reading

Remembering Pearl Harbor

There is a sadness in certain events that, like it or not, have become a part of our lives. For the younger generation, it is September 11th and for the older generation it is December 7th, the day of the attack on Pearl Harbor. I don’t remember the Pearl Harbor attack and I don’t think it was until I experienced September 11th that I could really understand the horror my grandparents must have felt on that day. In the attack, two Navy battleships (the USS Arizona and the USS West Virginia), one minelayer, and two destroyers were sunk. Three cruisers, … Continue reading

Visiting Pearl Harbor’s Newest Attraction

Imagine taking flight with your son over the Hawaiian Islands on a peaceful Sunday morning. You’re piloting an Aeronca 65TC, sportstrainer airplane en route to Honolulu. The views are incredible, you’re enjoying your son’s company, and the ride is as smooth as silk. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, you encounter the first wave of Japanese Zero fighters on their way to attack Pearl Harbor. Next thing you know, your plane is being riddled with machine gun fire and you’re fighting to keep it in the air. Sounds like the stuff movies are made of (a version of the scene was … Continue reading

Remembering Pearl Harbor

Thursday marks the 65th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States’ entry into World War II. In a previous blog I shared my personal story about Hawaii’s most popular tourist attraction, which draws more than 1.5 million visitors from around the world each year. Pearl Harbor Naval Base is home to the USS Arizona, the USS Utah, the Battleship Missouri and in 1999, the USS Missouri Memorial opened, further enhancing the importance of this historic area. To commemorate the event numerous events will be taking place throughout Oahu. If you are lucky enough to be … Continue reading