More People-Watching (Reading)

Last week I wrote about Katherine Heigl’s newly adopted daughter, who is ten months old and was adopted from Korea. The same issue of People which told that story (The October 5 issue) has several other adoption-related stories, like the update on the teenage couple who placed their baby for adoption—and had the process chronicled on MTV’s reality show, 16 and Pregnant. I will summarize that article in my next blog. Two other stories in the issue are relevant to adoption, although not directly about it. The first of these is a profile of a mother and daughter. The 12-year-old … Continue reading

Clay Aiken Blogs, Patrick Swayze Experiences a “Miracle,” and Amy Adams is Engaged

He is almost a dad himself, but Clay Aiken is blogging about a recent UNICEF trip he took to Somalia and Kenya. He talks about how the violence in each country has left thousands of children homeless. Even as things are looking better, many children have not returned to school. Aiken wrote, “Getting children back to school is vital for their protection, and helps build a sense of normalcy in their lives. The re-establishment of schools in the most difficult circumstances is a testament to the commitment of UNICEF and to Kenyans.” He went on to say that every child … Continue reading

Matt Damon is the Sexiest Man Alive

According to People Magazine, Matt Damon is the sexiest man alive. Well, they aren’t telling me anything – I’ve known that for a long time! After years of campaigning by his friends, former Sexiest men themselves – George Clooney and Brad Pitt, Matt was finally given the honor for this year’s magazine cover. Of his honor, Damon told People “You’ve given an aging suburban dad the ego-boost of a lifetime.” I have thought Matt was sexy every since I saw him in his Oscar winning film “Good Will Hunting.” That role showed us he could play a troubled leading role. … Continue reading

People Magazine and Its Bachelor of the Year

In case you missed it on the headlines, People Magazine has just announced their new bachelor of the year – Matthew McConaughey. As you may have noticed, this 37-year-old sexy bachelor has no problem in taking his shirt off. In fact, he seems to enjoy being photographed topless. And with a six-pack like that, I have not problem with him being exposed! Matthew, a good ole Texas boy, began his career on an episode of “Unsolved Mysteries.” After a bit part in My Boyfriend’s Back, he landed a role in Dazed and Confused, a classic 1993 movie about teenagers in … Continue reading

Hottest Bachelors of 2006

I have been with my husband (both dating and married) for ten years now, but that does not mean that I do not look forward to People magazine’s annual Hottest Bachelor issue. In fact, if People every needs help interviewing potential bachelors, they can always call me! THE hot bachelor this year was American Idol winner Taylor Hicks. That is funny because Taylor is anything but the classic good-looking bachelor. I find him attractive, but when he first appeared on American Idol, all anyone could talk about was his graying hair. And, there was a big stir over whether Idol … Continue reading