The Big Five: The Five Things That Will Get You Fired from

Yesterday was the first day in our mini-series on how to become a blogger. If you missed that all-important first post, check it out here. Otherwise, read on! Today we are going to cover the five mistakes that if you make them, you will almost certainly get fired for doing so. I wanted to make it clear just what you could and couldn’t do, so you can decide right now if this job is right for you. All of this info is covered in the handbook you receive when you get hired at, of course. * Not reaching … Continue reading

Insuring Words: Plagiarism, Copyright and Publication

Plagiarism and copyright infringement has become an important liability for any writer, website owner or business with publications to consider in the modern world of media. Never before have ordinary people, citizens of the world or well educated members of a society had more freedom of speech then we do today. Personal websites, journals and Blogs have made it possible for anyone to say what they think, feel or believe. The freedom of the Internet, and home publication tools we have today, make it possible to get our ideas and words into the hands, and eyes of nearly any target … Continue reading

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism: What exactly defines this infamous word? When I was a college professor, I always gave the warning to my students about if they turned in a Plagiarized paper, they would face failure of the course or suspension from the school. On the first day of every new semester with every new class, in my syllabi I would hand out a page which explained what plagiarism was. Simply explained: Plagiarism is when you take another person’s words and try to use them as your own. When I was teaching Freshmen in college, there were instances that they did not know … Continue reading