Making Edible Garland for Your Christmas Tree

Is your Christmas tree up yet? Judging by the dozens of vehicles I passed this weekend with hearty pines strapped to their luggage racks, I’d guess that most families have their Tannenbaums in place for the countdown to Christmas. Our tree is up and trimmed, though according to our resident decorating expert (see: my 4-year-old daughter), it’s missing one very important item: a popcorn and cranberry garland. Ever since she saw the Little Bear episode where the entire gang created edible tree decorations, she has been begging to add snacks to our tree as well. So, tonight is the night … Continue reading

Sweet Treats for a Spooktacular Halloween Buffet

If you plan to forgo the trick-or-treating this year to host a Halloween party these next recipes will add a burst of color to your buffet table. The first recipe for Graveyard Brownies is a great way to get the kids involved in the party prep. Baking the brownies is extremely straightforward; it’s the assembly that requires creativity (that’s where your children’s help will come in handy). Your sugary cemetery will have your guests talking long after the party ends. The second recipe for Rainbow Popcorn is a bit more involved. It’s basically, sugar-coated popcorn, tinted orange and green for … Continue reading

Popcorn Fun on a Cold, Rainy Day

I’ve been busy with the kids this week shopping for spring and summer clothes, and enjoying an easier spring break schedule. Today a mixture of ice and rain is falling, so we aren’t planning on going anywhere. It’s a good day to be lazy, watch a movie or two and have some popcorn. I try not to buy a lot of microwave popcorn. There are some very nasty sounding chemicals in it. I’d heard that you could pop your own corn in a regular lunch sack. I hesitated to try it, but it works great. We put a couple of … Continue reading

Popcorn or Potato Chips?

I know. I know. Neither popcorn nor potato chips should have anything to do with a weight loss article. Bear with me. There is a method to my madness. Look deep into your soul. Look deep into that dark place that you don’t mention to any of your dieting friends. You know the place. It is the place where you hide the knowledge that you have a guilty, starchy, greasy secret and I’m not talking about a baked potato. I’m talking about popcorn and potato chips. When I was growing up, we rarely had potato chips around the house but … Continue reading

Ban Naked Popcorn Forever!

I have a confession. I have a serious addiction: I love popcorn. Seriously–my husband offered me a night out all by myself but I instead chose to stay home, rent a chick flick (starring Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant nonetheless) and eat popcorn. But this is special popcorn because I bought seasoning to go with it. Yes, I wish I were joking. . .but I’m kind of not. This is the type of thing you can only admit online because I’ll most likely never meet anyone reading this. (Unless you already know me and then well, it’s already lost cause.) … Continue reading

How to Pop Pop-Corn the Frugal Way

If you buy microwave popcorn, you are paying anywhere from five to ten times the amount of money that you should be paying for pop corn. I am part of the jiffy pop generation. I remember evenings, as a kid, standing on a stool by the gas stove, shaking the aluminum twist of foil on a pan back and forth, back and forth, while waiting for Bowling for Dollars to come on the television. By the time I made it to college, hot air poppers were big news, and I had to have one. My popper even had a tiny … Continue reading

Hot and Spicy Chex Party Mix and Nacho Popcorn

If you are looking for a few appetizer ideas for a party or just something to serve the family when you are playing games or watching movies, here are two great recipes! Hot and Spicy Chex Party Mix For this recipe, you will need butter or margarine, seasoned salt, Worcestershire sauce, red pepper sauce, corn chex cereal, rice chex cereal, wheat chex cereal, mixed nuts, pretzels, and bite sized cheese crackers (Cheez-Its work well). Heat your oven to 250 degrees. Once the oven is ready, put 1/4 cup of butter or margarine in a large pan, put it in the … Continue reading

Two Great Snacks for Diabetics

One thing I really like to do is snack. As I get older, I realize I need to be more cautious in my snacking. Whereas I could once wolf down a bag of Doritos and a can of French onion dip, I can no longer do that. I set out on a quest for healthier snacks. Oh, I know what you are thinking, “have a carrot stick”. But, I wanted something that was still tasty, just not quite as bad for me. Here is couple of recipes that I think fit that bill! Baked Onion Rings For this recipe, you … Continue reading

Popcorn Treats

We usually have an early dinner on Sunday, and so come Sunday evening, everyone starts nosing around the kitchen. I like to make a special treat that is fun and filling. Popcorn fits the bill, because it’s easy and there are many tasty variations you can try. Caramel Corn This recipe is our family favorite. About 15 cups popped popcorn 1 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup butter 1/4 cup light corn syrup 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. Mix the brown sugar, butter, corn syrup and salt together in a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring, until bubbly … Continue reading