Walking Can Reduce Chance of Having a Stroke

Sometimes we need to be reminded of all the benefits found in walking. We know that it’s good for us but sometimes we don’t think about the specific benefits in doing so. One of the dilemmas middle-aged people face is increased weight gain in their middle. If there is one trouble area that I have found in recent years to be my thorn in my side it is my middle. The sad thing is that having a heavier middle also increases your risk for heart problems, including heart attacks. Women especially are at an increased risk of developing heart disease. … Continue reading

Heart Attack Survivors and Episodic Chest Pain

A study from the University of Colorado and the Denver Veterans Affairs Medical Center took a look at angina — episodic chest pain — in heart attack survivors. Bad enough to suffer a heart attack, but to have to live with weekly or daily chest pain, too? It happens more often than you might think. Nearly two thousand heart attack survivors participated in the study. Approximately twenty percent of the participants reported some kind of chest pain one year after the heart attack. That’s one out of every five heart attack survivors! One percent of patients reported daily chest pain. … Continue reading