The Blessing of Prayer

How wonderful to know others are praying for you! One of the great things about family and friends is they way they jump on board when I am doing something. Like this morning I was the speaker at our ladies breakfast. As of Wednesday night I had no idea want I was going to talk about. The only thing I had written was in my opinion a disaster. I was starting to panic. At bible study I raised it as a prayer point. The next day I was still no further advanced and resolved to go and play tennis and … Continue reading

Purpose in Prayer

Prayer is such an essential gift that the Lord has given us. It is our opportunity to communicate with Heavenly Father. However, it is too easy to allow prayer to become rote or mundane. Often we do not really communicate but rather mumble or rush through the obligatory prayer. This may be a result of not having a specific purpose when we pray. My six year old has been avoiding saying her prayers. I feel that she is old enough to say her prayers to herself and that she does not need my guidance. Lately she has been reluctant to … Continue reading