Tips to Strengthen Your Marriage

So what things have we done in our marriage that you might incorporate in yours if you aren’t already doing them? Let me share some tips you might find helpful. This first one I would say is perhaps most important of all. Make Time Together a Priority In busy lives with work and family, this one gets too easily pushed aside unless we’re careful. Make time together a priority, whether it’s sitting chatting, sharing a favorite movie, playing a game, or watching your favorite sport as we did on Saturday night, after spending time with our whole family earlier in … Continue reading

My Decision To Stay Home

When people hear that I quit my teaching job to be at home full-time with my daughter, they often respond, “You are so lucky that you can afford to do that.” I indeed feel very lucky. I know I’m blessed, and I’m thankful for it. Contrary to what people might think, however, I don’t stay home because we have piles of money just sitting around. I don’t live in a situation where we have so much money that I decided I might as well not work. In fact, my husband is a full-time student. Not only do we not have … Continue reading

What Is at the Center of Your Life and Why It Matters

What is at the center of your life? That which is at the center of our lives determines the shape of our lives and the direction our lives take. Whether it is work, ambition, self interest, spouse and family, or some other obsession, it is a question for all of us to answer. This idea for a blog came after reading a novel called Summertime by Liz Rigbey. One of the characters, Lucy, in talking about a policeman said, ‘he talked of men who lost their family, how that was the price you paid if you couldn’t or wouldn’t put … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: “I Know Him Not”

This week’s Sunday School lesson focuses on the trial and crucifixion of Christ. After His arrest, the disciple Peter followed Him from afar. When recognized, he denied knowing Jesus three times, as Jesus had earlier predicted. When the Lord turned and looked upon Peter, the disciple remembered his vow to follow Jesus to prison and to death (Luke 22:33), and he “went out, and wept bitterly” (Luke 22:62). Here we have a man, a disciple who loved Christ earnestly and sincerely, and who had already given up so much to follow Him. Why would he then deny the Savior? President … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Bowed and Infirm

As we study Luke 13:10-17 for lesson 10 this week, we find ourselves again looking at the Sabbath day. This time, the Savior has healed a woman on the Sabbath, and received criticism from the ruler of the synagogue. Since yesterday we looked at the idea of keeping the Sabbath, I would like to turn our attention today towards the crippled woman herself. The woman in the synagogue was “bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself.” I wonder sometimes about us. Aren’t there days when you feel bowed down and crushed under by the weight of your … Continue reading

Focusing on Family

I truly believe that one of the areas in which America is failing the most is with the family. Families are becoming less and less important in today’s society. American culture teaches that being out in the world is so much more important than being with one’s family. Life in America focuses on education, work, sports, television, music, movies, cars, and money, just to name a few things. While none of the things I just mentioned are bad or evil, they often grab one’s focus in life over more important things, such as family. Spending time together as a family … Continue reading