Biblical and Practical Wisdom about Marriage

The bible has a lot of practical wisdom about marriage. I thought I’d share some of it with you. ‘Through presumption comes nothing but strife, but with those who receive counsel is wisdom,’ Proverbs 13:10 This certainly applies to both husbands and wives. We should never presume to know what our spouse is thinking or how they will react. We need to talk it through – not presume. There are times when our spouse will surprise us. Here are some others that specifically mention wives but I suspect they could apply equally as well to husbands ‘The contentions of a … Continue reading

More Wisdom From Proverbs

Yesterday we looked at Proverbs 30:5-6. Today we’ll look at Proverbs 30:7-9, where the writer asks two things of God. The first is: ‘Keep falsehood and lies far from me.’ This could be read as keep me from telling lies to others. We often want to grade lies. It’s easy to slip into what we term ‘white lies,’ so as not to hurt another person’s feelings, or because we want to please them or make ourselves look good but God makes no distinction. Lies are lies. Proverbs 19:5 says ,’he who pours out lies will not go free.’ The idea … Continue reading

Wisdom and Warnings from Proverbs

The book of Proverbs contains great wisdom. Here is one example. The passage is Proverbs 30:5-9. Over the next couple of days I intend to look at it verse by verse and see what truths can be gleaned from it. Proverbs 30:5 tells us ‘Every word of God is flawless.’ Sometimes people will challenge us, claiming the bible is full of contradictions and errors. This statement is invariably made by those who don’t know God’s words or are repeating what they have heard someone else say. The truth is every part of God’s Word will stand up to the closest … Continue reading

10 Ways To Change Your Attitude

Yesterday we looked at changing our attitude which sounds easier to do than it is. So here are 10 practical suggestions for changing our attitude towards life and circumstances. 1. Focus on God and who He is, rather than ourselves and the circumstances. This is what Stephen did when he was being stoned for preaching about Jesus, Acts 7. 2. Remember who you are: ‘children of God,’ I John 3:2, ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood…a people for God’s own possession,’ 1 Peter 2:9. 3. Remember Christ lives in you, Galatians 2:20, so you don’t have to try and cope … Continue reading

Mom’s Word is Law

Have you ever heard the expression that “Dad’s word is law”? If you have, you may not have realized that you were hearing Scripture. Proverbs 1:8 says, “My son, hear the instruction of thy father; and forsake not the LAW of thy mother (emphasis mine).“ The Bible here clearly states that it is the mother who “lays down the law” in her home. Now, I am not advocating that if a father makes a rule a mother may overrule him and use this verse as her authority. What I am saying is that it is a mother’s responsiblity and privilege … Continue reading

Planning a Valentine’s Party for School

Today I am busy planning games for the Valentine’s Day party for my twins’ third grade class. Their winter holiday party got canceled due to a blizzard. So I want the Valentine’s party to be extra special. I’m trying to think up fresh ideas or at least fun slants on old ideas. I think we might do the old guess how many valentine heart candies are in the jar game. But since they are learning multiplication now, I think I’ll throw a multiplying slant to it. How many candies would there be if there were three jars with just as … Continue reading

Book Review: God’s Wisdom for Little Boys

We received the book, God’s Wisdom for Little Boys by Jim & Elizabeth George, for our two-year-old son at Christmas this year. Jim and Elizabeth George have both written exceptional devotional books for adults and teens and have been involved in Christian ministry for years. At first, I admit, I was a little skeptical. I generally enjoy children’s books that are short and simple, and this one appeared long and perhaps over his head. However, upon sitting down to read it with him, I abruptly changed my mind. I found this book to be a wonderful study on Proverbs for … Continue reading