Ergonomics: Dos and Don’ts

Are you experiencing pain sitting at your computer? Maybe it’s your back that aches after a day at the office. Maybe your elbows, wrists, and shoulders are throbbing. Maybe your hips hurt. A proper ergonomic set-up can alleviate a lot of that pain! Ergonomics is personal. What works for you may not work for someone else. Experiment until you find a pain-free set-up. Here are some hints to help you find the best possible position for computer, chair, and body. Don’t settle! Ask for a different desk or chair that may be more comfortable. Try swapping workstations with a coworker … Continue reading

Your Genes and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

A recent study from Harvard Medical School says that your genetics may play a bigger role in carpal tunnel than repetitive motion or too much keyboard time. So what is carpal tunnel syndrome? Your arm has a nerve called the median nerve that runs down the arm and into the hand, controlling some of the sensations to thumb and your first three fingers. At the wrist, the median nerve passes through a space called the carpal tunnel. If the nerve becomes compressed or squeezed in the carpal tunnel, you can experience tingling (like pins-and-needles when a limb falls asleep), pain, … Continue reading