A Question A Week: My Readers’ Blogs

This is ongoing series where I ask a question a week to my readers so I can get to know them better. To see the post where this all started, check this out. I blog for a living, which is kind of a fun thing to say, and even better, it’s true! 😛 My main income comes from blogging here at Families, and I supplement that income through various odd jobs for various companies. I am a freelancer in every sense of the word. I have a lot of fun working as a freelancer, and of course one of the … Continue reading

Jobs now has an RSS Feed!

I just noticed this on the right side of the screen: There is now an RSS feed for Jobs. Whether you’re inside of a blog, reading the blog itself, or looking at a list of all the employment blogs published here at Families, you can find the RSS feeder on the right-hand side of the blog itself. I am fairly new to RSS feeds, but in just the few short weeks since I’ve started using it, I have already wondered how on earth I got along without it. If you have found blogs that you want to read every time … Continue reading

Multitasking – A Time Saver?

I was just reading an article at the New York Times about multitasking, and it made me think about how many tasks I am typically trying to accomplish at the same time. Right now on my computer I have my RSS feed on, so if one of my favorite websites gets updated, I will know right away. I have iTunes playing soft rock music. I have my e-mail on, which I tend to get quite a few e-mails throughout the day. I have a weather bar at the bottom of my browser, updating my weather conditions every 30 minutes for … Continue reading