Oops! It Happened Again—Miss USA Takes a Dive

Not AGAIN! You don’t have to know a stitch about beauty pageants to know that a contestant’s job is relatively straightforward: Smile, look good, and don’t say anything you’ll regret later. Oh, and being able to remain upright on heels helps too. For those of you who missed it, for the second year in a row, Miss USA took a tumble as she tried to make her way across the stage during the evening gown competition at last night’s Miss Universe competition. In front of millions of TV viewers around the world Miss USA Crystle Stewart, a 26-year-old Texan, tripped … Continue reading

The Fall Seen Around The World… Over and Over and Over and Over Again

If I see one more newscast replay the video of Miss USA Rachel Smith slipping and landing on her bottom during last night’s Miss Universe pageant I’m going to scream. If that’s how I feel imagine what the Tennessee native must be going through the night after what has got to be one of her most embarrassing moments to date. If you missed the unfortunate incident you obviously have been living under a rock… I mean… you obviously must not watch television… I mean—well, here’s what you missed: while Smith was modeling her evening gown during last night’s live telecast … Continue reading