Kid Fitness: Red Light, Green Light

Have you ever played red light, green light with your little ones? The principle of the game is pretty straightforward. You say red light and your kids stop. You say green light and they start racing around or moving. Red light, stop. Green light, go. We started playing this particular game with our daughter when she was just 2 years old and by the time she was three, she knew what it meant. Red Light: Stop. Green Light: Go. This system can be applied to our activity levels, our eating choices and more. We teach our kids what’s good and … Continue reading

Blast from the Past: Childhood Games

Okay, I’m aging myself here, but some of you may be sneaking up on middle age right along with me. Those of you who are will fondly remember these childhood games. Unfortunately, many of these games are no longer played in school, so your children may not know to play them. If they don’t, take a little trip down Memory Lane and teach them how to play the games we loved as kids. Mother May I One child is Mother. Mother stands several feet in front of everyone else. Each participant then makes a request of Mother, in an attempt … Continue reading