Do Growing Pains Really Exist?

Every once in a while, my eldest son will complain that he can’t sleep because his legs hurt. We will inspect his legs and other parts of his body to make sure that he isn’t ill or injured, and we come up with nothing. There is no redness, swelling, bruising or other outward signs of something wrong. Joints don’t make any noise and skin is in intact. It isn’t even time for school or a hated chore. What then could be wrong? When I was little, I remember my parents calling these growing pains, a mysterious pain, usually in the … Continue reading

The New Parent’s Restaurant Survival Tips

It never fails. The moment you cautiously venture out into the world in the form of a quick restaurant meal, your smiling little angel becomes the crying crazy baby. Okay, so even if your kid isn’t like that, there are a few things to keep in mind when bringing your baby or young child into a restaurant. Here are some tips to make it easier on everyone, from parents to baby, to servers to other patrons. Make sure that you have enough distraction on hand to keep your little one occupied throughout the meal. It is a good idea to … Continue reading

Favorite Parenting Line

Do you ever find yourself saying something that is just too close to what might have come out of your own parent’s mouth? I know, we have all been there, right? For me, it is “Just because I said so!” I find myself uttering this line far too many times lately in response to the whys whenever I ask my children to complete a task or accept something that they deem is unfair. I’ve tried the endless explanations, but they don’t always get me anywhere. Recently, I started applying a different strategy that I learned from my oldest son. Now … Continue reading

Making Camping Fun for Kids

Confession time: I’ve never camped with my own child. To those who know me well, this is no major revelation given that I’ve only roughed it a grand total of four times in my entire life, and all of those trips took place while I was swinging single. What can I say? I’m not a big camper. Still, I don’t want to deprive my child of the opportunity to commune with nature, so this summer I’ve decided to pitch a tent with my preschooler (and others). The only problem: all my camping experiences came while I was in college when … Continue reading

Teaching Kids Basic First Aid Skills

With summer comes a host of injuries, from skinned knees to more serious situations that may require a trip to the emergency room. Parents, too can be the victim of an emergency, so children really need to know some basic first aid skills. This is true whether your child is four or fourteen. Calling for help Once your child reaches the age of four, she should know all about calling 9-1-1 in the event of an emergency. Explain all about what a real emergency is. For example. she should call 9-1-1 if an adult asks her too, if an adult … Continue reading

Researchers Find Autism Genes

In a recent press release from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, it was declared that recent research is showing that autism spectrum disorders may be linked to “Combination of Inherited and New Genetic Mutations Acting Together.” Quoted in the press release: “We are finding that both inherited and new, or de novo, genetic mutations are scattered throughout the genome and we suspect that differentcombinations of these variations contribute to autism susceptibility,” saidco-author Maja Bucan, Ph.D., professor of Genetics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Chair of the Steering committee for Autism Speaks’ Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE).” … Continue reading

Fostering Pretend Play

Pretend play is very important for toddlers. As their language skills grow, they become more adapt at telling stories and pretend play. At this stage, having the opportunity for make believe will help them grow and develop to the best of their abilities. As they get a little older, toddlers can benefit from different “props” that help them explore jobs and activities that adults do. Copying the adults around them is a way for them to explore the world, gain confidence in themselves, develop more language skills and try new things in a safe environment. For pretend play, simple toys … Continue reading

Great Toys for Toddlers

Toddlers can be a difficult bunch to shop for when it comes to toys. Some of them still put a lot of things into their mouths, they are very mobile, they are past the baby stage, but still not ready for complicated toys, their attention spans can be short, and they have a tendency to fall down. Keeping all of these things in mind, here are some great toys for toddlers. Wagons and wheels Toys that have wheels are pretty good at keeping up with a toddler. Things they can push, things they can ride and things that zoom across … Continue reading

Two Tricks to Organizing Your Toddler’s Room

Do you remember the time when you first set up your child’s nursery? I bet the crib bedding was just right, the matching rug was centered, the cute toys waited on shelves, and the room emitted a sense of peace. Well fast forward a couple of years later, and you now find the room in complete chaos, with toys scattered all over the floor, a jumble of stuffed animals and books on the bed, and learning toys that force you to “learn” how to find all of the missing pieces. At least, that is how it went down in my … Continue reading

Toddlers and Popsicles

With summer on its way, no doubt that you will be faced with the issue of popsicles (or other frozen treats) and toddlers. These two things seem made for each other. You can almost hear the groans of mothers all over, though, when they contemplate the mess and the extra sugar involved when toddlers and popsicles get together. Here are some tips to help parents and kids alike enjoy this little staple of summer. To help contain the mess, you can fashion your own drip tray. Use plastic lids from formula, small oatmeal containers or other packaging. Cut a slit … Continue reading