How to Get Your Preschooler to Listen

When it comes to getting a preschooler to do what you want or need him to do, there is a simple little trick that can stop the “no!” in its tracks. If I may brag a little bit for a moment, our children are usually complemented on their behavior when they are out in public or over at a friends house. Of course, there are a lot of factors involved here, such as making sure that they have had enough rest, that they are well fed, and the fact that the people complimenting our kids don’t actually live with us … Continue reading

Cheap Food for a Large Crowd: Snacks

Whether you are hosting an event or just trying to feed your large family, being able to prepare good, inexpensive food in large quantities is important if you want or need to keep your food budget from exploding. Here are some ideas for frugal food recipes. With our family or five, we need a large refrigerator that can hold at least three or four gallons of milk for the week. In addition to our kids, we often have a few extras over at dinner or lunch, especially on the weekends. So, I’m starting to get good at producing inexpensive meals … Continue reading

How to Recycle Crayons

Did you know that when crayons are tossed out in the garbage, they can spend almost an eternity in a landfill? Who knew that such a little think could contribute to the trash on our planet? As a household with three young children, crayons are everywhere. There are the broken ones, the ones that are of unpopular colors and the ones that get replaced when a gift of a new box of well-dressed crayons appears. Ah, it is that new crayon smell that no one can resist. There are several ways that you can recycle crayons and keep them out … Continue reading

Do Your Kids Need More Exercise?

Health experts would answer that question with a rousing “yes,” and now they have even more evidence to support their assertions. A new study found that more than half a million 4-year-olds are obese. Even more disturbing, according to researchers, is the finding that nearly a third of American Indian children are obese. The study’s lead author noted that the findings are “of major concern” among children so young given that obese individuals are at very high risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, cancers, joint diseases and other health problems. If you are concerned that your child may be … Continue reading

Obesity a Problem with Preschoolers, New Study Says

A new study was released that shows that one out of every five four-ear-olds is obese. This information is startling even to the researchers. Furthermore, there was a lot of disparity with obesity and race, even at this early preschool age. Here is what the researchers found. More than half a million four-year-olds are obese Obesity is the most common in American Indian children, who are twice as likely to be obese as are white children. Obesity is also prevalent among four-year-olds who are of Hispanic or black heritage. The study is an important one because obesity in early childhood … Continue reading

Fat Babies = Unfit Adults

According to a new study, infants who gain too much weight as babies are more likely to grow into obese toddlers, and later, obese adults. The research was conducted by doctors at Harvard University and Children’s Hospital-Boston and concluded that early eating and exercise habits are extremely important in shaping healthy adults. The study found that parents need to watch for cues from their children about when they are full, encourage them to drink plenty of water, and have them participate in activities that promote movement. The Harvard researchers noted that obesity rates among U.S. children have doubled in the … Continue reading

Kids, Frugality and Being in Fashion

Accommodating trends in kids clothing without spending a fortune can be a little tricky but not impossible. Here is how to help your child still be cool without spending $1,000 on clothes every year. Proper Fit If you do nothing else with your child’s clothing to help him or her be in fashion, please at least ensure a proper fit. Nothing will get noticed more by other kids that clothes that are too small or in some cases too big, depending on what the current trend happens to be. Remember “high waters?” Whether you use hand me downs or buy … Continue reading

Herbal Supplements and Your Young Child

Many parents swear by herbal supplements for their young children to do everything from shorten a cold to reduce symptoms of autism. But behind the hype are some important things you should know about herbal supplements, if you want to keep your little one safe. First parents need to understand that herbal supplements are not regulated very rigidly. In fact, the amount or concentration of an herb in a supplement can vary per dose. For the safer herbs, this may not matter much. But some herbs can prove dangerous. Always inform your pediatrician if you are trying herbal supplements for … Continue reading

Save Money on Summer Camp 2

Is the looming registration of summer camp making your nervous about how you will actually be able to pay for it? Summer camp can be a great experience, but it can also cost quite a bit of money. I once interviewed a family that was spending $1,500 a week on summer camp. Less expensive camps can still put a bite in the budget. That is why I decided to give you even more ideas for saving money on summer camp. Skip the standard program Choose a day camp close to home instead of an overnight camp for the most affordability. … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning is a Family Affair

Well, my obsession with spring cleaning is finally being noticed by the rest of my family, especially my husband. I approached the subject yesterday and mentioned how this year I really needed the whole family to pull together to get it done. While I normally handle the bulk if not all of the spring cleaning myself, this year it has to be different. We’ve been in our new home for almost two years now. Much of the cleaning and repairing time has been ongoing since then. The first few months saw a flurry of cleaning, because the house had been … Continue reading