Relief Society: “Three Goals to Guide You”

In his talk “Three Goals to Guide You” President Thomas S Monson spoke specifically to the sisters in Relief Society. He opens his talk by explaining that as he prayed about what to talk about he felt prompted to share these three goals that the women of the church should be working on. The first goal is to study diligently. President Monson stresses the importance of studying the scriptures. He points out that this will keep our testimonies strong. He also emphasizes the importance of teaching your children from the scriptures so that their testimonies might be made stronger. He … Continue reading

Relief Society: “I Will Strengthen Thee; I Will Help Thee”

In her talk “I Will Strengthen Thee; I Will Help Thee” Sister Barbara Thompson speaks to parents. She explains that she was a social worker for several years and has helped many families at times of crises. She emphasizes that the family is under attack. It is becoming more and more important to protect our families. Sister Thompson pointed out that a stable family has children who know who they are and where they are going. They have direction and purpose in life. In a dysfunctional family the children are floundering and without purpose. They do not have values that … Continue reading

Before the Dawn – Dean Hughes

This latest addition to the Dean Hughes line-up is set during the Great Depression. Leah Sorensen is in her forties and has been struggling for years to run her farm and raise her two children on her own, her husband having been killed in a freak accident years before. She has no choice but to work day and night to keep the farm going, with the knowledge that it’s her only chance to keep herself and her family fed. The Depression has hit everyone hard, but especially the farmers. Add to that the drought that nearly crippled the nation at … Continue reading

Relief Society: “Feed My Sheep”

In her talk “Feed My Sheep” Sister Silvia H. Allred speaks about visiting teaching. She opens her talk by sharing her testimony. Sister Allred then goes on to explain that as a presidency they have spent time together studying and fasting to understand the purposes of Relief Society. She explains that one way that we can offer relief is through visiting teaching. She says: “One of the ways Relief Society sisters can feed His sheep is through visiting teaching. ‘The purposes of visiting teaching are to build caring relationships with each sister and to offer support, comfort, and friendship.’ To … Continue reading

Relief Society: Service Enrichment Night

You may want to form a service enrichment group. This is a great way to provide social opportunities for your sisters, as well as help others. You should choose a regular time for this group to meet. You may choose to have this group meet during the day instead of in the evening. You should also meet at a set time every month, so that the sisters can plan their schedules around this. You can do the same service each month or offer your service to a wide variety of groups in your area. Many groups have things that need … Continue reading

Relief Society: First Sunday Lessons

I love the lessons that the members of the Relief Society presidency teach each month. I feel that they are planned specifically to help meet the needs of the sisters in my ward. I love fifth Sundays for the same reason. Of course I have noticed a trend with fifth Sundays and some aspect of preparedness lately. One of my favorite lessons taught by a member of the Relief Society presidency was simply on the life of Christ. She used slides of artwork that showed Christ’s life. As she did this she bore testimony of His love for each of … Continue reading

Relief Society: Celebrating New Additions to the Family

When it comes to supporting each other in Relief Society one way that we do this is to celebrate the joys with our friends. We also spend time mourning with sisters as they face their different trials. Latter-day Saints tend to have large families. Many people make sure that a baby shower is thrown for a first time mom, but then neglect to do something to celebrate the birth of the next baby. I was raised with the view that you really only need a baby shower for first, but this does not mean that we can not celebrate with … Continue reading

Camping Out

I just came home from an awesome Relief Society activity. We had a campfire right in the middle of the Primary room, told scary stories, and had an awesome time bonding. And we managed to host a visiting teaching seminar, as well. I’d like to pass on this great idea, courtesy of our President. First, the setting. We were originally planning to host the campout in the chapel, but we decided that the Primary room was more cozy – and it was. We built a campfire right in the middle of the floor. Not a real fire, of course (although … Continue reading

Relief Society: Nurturing Others

It is important to recognize and value the nurturing qualities of women. Lately, it seems to me, that the gentler qualities of helping, supporting and serving others are looked down on. Many people would see these as a sign of weakness or a failure to reach one’s full potential. It is important to realize that these qualities have been given to us for a reason. As sisters in Relief Society, it is important to realize the blessings of these qualities. It is through service to others that we can learn to love them. It is through supporting and helping those … Continue reading

Relief Society: Judge Not

It is often difficult to go throughout life without judging those around you, but it is important to stop this behavior. In Matthew 7:1-2 it reads: “Judge not that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” I think that as women it is especially important that we stop from judging others. Often we judge others, and find ourselves inadequate. It is important to be accepting of who you are as an individual. This does not mean that you should not … Continue reading