Relief Society: Five Ideas for the Relief Society’s Birthday Enrichment Night

Next month is the Relief’s Society birthday. One of main Enrichment nights is supposed to focus specifically on the birthday of the Relief Society. Here are five ideas for an Enrichment night to celebrate the birthday of the Relief Society. 1) A really fun activity is to have a birthday party. You can have party snacks available and spend the time playing party games. This gives the sisters a chance to visit and get to know each other. You can play games such as a trivia game, fruit basket and Pictionary. You may want to have a ten minute talk … Continue reading

Relief Society Presidents: Emma Hale Smith

The first and probably most well known of all of the Relief Society presidents was the wife of the Prophet, Emma Smith. Over the years, Emma has probably received more than her fair share of criticism for her decision not to journey west with the Saints following the martyrdom of her husband. However, I would speculate that few women have had to endure the trials that this “elect lady” bore in her lifetime, most of which began when she married her beloved Joseph. Born near Harmony, Pennsylvania on July 10, 1804, Emma Smith was the seventh of nine children. She … Continue reading

Relief Society: Setting Up an Enrichment Playgroup

One popular idea for an Enrichment activity or group is to set up a playgroup for your ward. This is a great opportunity for those sisters who have young children. It gives the children a chance to form friendships with members of their ward. It also gives stay at home moms the opportunity to socialize and form friendships as well. It is important that everyone in the ward feels welcome to playgroup. Here are five tips to help your playgroup run smoothly. 1) It is best to have playgroup at the same time every week. This allows people to easily … Continue reading

Visiting Teaching: Strengthening Your Personal Testimony of Jesus Christ

The visiting teaching message for February urges us to strengthen our personal testimonies of the Savior. As we do so, we can become tools in the hands of our Heavenly Father, acting out His will on this Earth and serving Him as He would have us do. The message first addresses the question of how to strengthen ones testimony. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we should already have a testimony of our Savior. If we do not, it is imperative that we seek to cultivate and develop one. Without a firm, strong testimony, staying … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine & Relief Society Week in Review: January 7-13

Well, it’s Saturday, and every Latter-day Saint knows (or should know) that “Saturday is a special day, it’s the day we get ready for Sunday” (Children’s Songbook, pg 196). Part of getting ready for Sunday means finishing up your reading of the Sunday school and Relief Society/Elder’s Quorum lesson. If you’ve been following the LDS families blog throughout the week, you’ve been able to read each segment of the two lessons as they have been published. However, for those who are running a bit behind – or who procrastinated their lesson study until this week, I’d like to provide you … Continue reading

Five Tips for Successful Visiting Teaching

You may have made a New Year’s Resolution to be one hundred percent for visiting teaching this year. This is a great goal, and it is important that you plan well in order to achieve it. Here are five things you can do to help make your visiting teaching successful this year. 1) Take the time to get to know the sisters you visit. It would be great if you could be friends with all the sisters you visit. Go out of your way to say hello to them at church. You can call to chat during the month, just … Continue reading

Relief Society: Building Unity

The Relief Society is one place that can help to build unity in a ward. It offers a chance for the sisters to serve each other, as well as opportunities to get know each other. If you feel that unity is lacking in your ward you can help to set the tone in Relief Society, even if you are not a leader. Here are five easy ways to do this. 1) Take the opportunity to introduce yourself to the sister next to you. You can sit next to a different person each week. It is important to make conversation with … Continue reading

Relief Society: Do You Feel Inadequate?

One of the hardest things about Relief Society is that you may compare yourself to other women. When this happens most people come up feeling short. It is too easy to become caught up in what you are not doing that you become overwhelmed in your day-to-day life. As members of the church we each know that there is always something more that we can do. There is always something we can improve on. While it is important to continue to work towards improvement, it is important to realize that this shouldn’t be our entire focus. In 2 Nephi 28:30 … Continue reading

The Importance of Relief Society

The visiting teaching messages the last few months have focused on the blessings that you can receive by attending Relief Society. The messages have talked about the temple, priesthood blessings and service. The truly great thing about Relief Society is that it has the ability to help every sister in some way. Since every member’s needs are different, this is an important and powerful tool. The Relief Society serves the families in the ward. Often times this comes as a result of an illness or another negative situation. In many ways the Relief Society is able to help lighten the … Continue reading

Relief Society: Five Tips on Taking Meals to Families

Once you are in the Relief Society it seems that one service that is regularly needed is to take meals into someone’s home. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Some of the reasons are happy ones, like the birth of the baby, or the reasons may be sad, such as illness or death in the family. Here are five tips for taking meals into someone. 1) It is nice to call and check with the family to see if there are any food allergies or foods to avoid. If there are specific allergies the family might have suggestions … Continue reading