Respect and Honor: Two Important Ingredients

There are two important ingredients to every marriage:  respect and honor.  But I’m afraid these are oftentimes considered antiquated elements in today’s society. In a world where the focus is oftentimes self-centered, marriages can quickly disintegrate.  But with respect and honor becoming the focal point, many of the challenges could be easily dealt with or avoided altogether. What does it mean to respect your spouse in marriage?  It means to respect their feelings.  If you know something in particular upsets your spouse, makes him or her angry or anxious, don’t do it. It also means to respect their time.  Demanding … Continue reading

I’m The Mom, That’s Why.

Some days are not my favorite. I absolutely hate punishing my daughter. The house feels like a war zone when it is just the two of us and she is not speaking to me because I’m not being fair. Sometimes I have no choice but to punish her, take away privileges, ground her from something fun. That is when I become the meanest mother in the world. I am constantly second guessing myself.  Was I too hard on her? Did I overreact? Is this just a normal stage and not something I need to head off at the pass? It … Continue reading

Guard What You Share With Others

This past week I was able to attend a group for women at my church. Our pastor’s wife did a teaching on marriage that was very inspiring. At the end you participated in a table discussion with the ladies you were sitting with. There was a list of questions that were designed to get you thinking positively about your spouse. However one woman in particular seemed insistent on dominating the conversation and it wasn’t very positive. She was going on and on about all the wrong things her husband was doing. Now it’s not that I don’t have sympathy for … Continue reading

What Makes You Feel Better?

A married couple I know expecting their first baby, are going to prenatal classes. They came to the conclusion recently they obviously have a different view of marriage to some of the others in the group. When asked what makes them feel better, several of the others in the class said yelling at their spouse. I don’t know about you, but I can’t see how that can make you feel better? Now I’m not saying Mick and I don’t have our disagreements or don’t ever have raised voices, but we do try not to make a habit of it. It … Continue reading

Odd One Out

More and more these days I’m feeling like the odd one out, as far as society is concerned. And you know what? I don’t care a bit. The reason for feeling so out of sync with much of the rest the world is because I have been happily married for a long time. In this day and age it seems to be the anomaly rather than the nor, Recently Janet, the editor of Footprints magazine, and her husband celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. She was amazed at the response from people who carried on as thought it was a major … Continue reading

Dealing with the Worrier- Part 2

Following on from yesterday, here are more suggestions about dealing with the worrier and tips how you can best help them. If you are a believer, pray for them. You don’t need to know exactly what the worries are to be able to pray for peace and settling. Better still if they are agreeable, is pray with them about their worrying. Again you don’t need to know what the worries are, unless they want to tell you. God knows. That’s all that matters. So encourage them to share if they want to but don’t hassle them if they don’t. Sometimes … Continue reading

Technology at Church

I have a love-hate relationship with technology at church. There are some amazing things out there, but they can be abused quite easily. Perhaps this love-hate relationship stems from the fact that I work with the youth and I see how often they turn to technology for myriad purposes—both the good and the not-so-reverent. But the youth definitely aren’t the only ones using technology in church. Have you ever looked down the pew and seen an adult playing a game on their phone? What about texting during church. I’ve seen that one a lot too. I have to admit it … Continue reading

No Excuse

Sometimes, especially when we have been married a while, it can be a tendency to let down our guard and think we can do what we like and our spouse will still love us no matter what. It’s a form of taking our spouse for granted. While it’s comforting to know we can rely on them and that they will always be there for us, it doesn’t mean it’s a no holds barred situation. It doesn’t give us the license to say and do whatever we like and expect them to forgive us and accept it. Marriage still needs to … Continue reading

3 Rs in Marriage

Yes, I’m back with the alphabetical marriage blogs. Today it’s Rs turn. And I’ve got three critical Rs. Aretha got it right when she sang about it and it should be a key ingredient in marriage – respect. Respect This is as an even more important ingredient in a marriage than the one which follows it, though that one is necessary too. Wives need to respect their husbands. But it’s not all one way. Husbands also need to respect their wives. In each case this means not putting them down, not treating them like they are inferior or second class … Continue reading

What Type of Man Do You Want?

Is your man a gentleman and is that what you want? Let me give you an example of what I mean. Yesterday at school my husband opened the door and held it open for a young woman struggling with a baby in a pram. And you know what? I’m glad he did. I’m glad he treats women with courtesy and respect and I told him so. In his eyes he hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary. Because that’s he way he is. But it still doesn’t hurt, to let him know I think it’s good. I’ve noticed some men … Continue reading