Couple Retirement Planning

Ideally, couples should plan their long range and retirement goals together. Of course, it isn’t always easy to formulate a plan that both agree on. As a couple, you will need to take the time to sit down and discuss both individual goals and joint objectives. If you take the time to work together and come to some agreement on mutual goals and expectations, you are far more likely to come out ahead. It is easier to gain financial momentum when a couple can combine their assets and strengths. You don’t even have to have the same goals to do … Continue reading

Late Start on Retirement

Are you getting a late start on saving for your retirement? While this is not ideal, it is not impossible to catch up quickly – if you take the aggressive approach. People are living longer these days, so even if you thought you would have enough… as you near retirement, you might discover you don’t. If this is you, then consider some of these following options. Start learning to live with less. Change your lifestyle before you retire. This provides you two bonuses – you can learn to live on less income and you can use this reduction in your … Continue reading

Retirement and Future Plans

Often in our income earning years, we focus only on our immediate needs and wants. However, this is a very shortsighted view, one that could hurt you down the road. When you are in your prime working years, you will be accumulating the most wealth. In order to ensure you meet your long-range goals and plan appropriately for retirement, you must focus on the future. The time during your working years is the best time to invest for the future. You have the most opportunity to earn money and you have the advantage of time to let it build. One … Continue reading

Employee Retirement Funds

Let me start today’s blog with a few questions. Does your current employer offer a 401k or similar retirement program? Do they also offer an employer match? Many do. Now, are you taking full advantage of it? If your current employer offers you a retirement program, even if they don’t give you a portion as a match, you should be utilizing this wonderful opportunity to save money for the future. The following are the main benefits to employee sponsored retirement options: 1. Matching Money Not all companies can afford to offer matching monies to their employee’s retirement fund. But, if … Continue reading

Types of Retirement Accounts

If you have thought about retirement savings you know that there are many options available to you. You may have a 401K, an IRA or a 403b. You may want to have additional money set aside for retirement besides what you have in these accounts. The way you invest the money in these accounts may affect your rate of return, and how much money you have available to you when you retire. Some banks will offer IRAs that are Certificates of Deposit (CDs). While others will allow you to choose what types of funds you put your money in. Your … Continue reading

What Age Is Right To Purchase Long-Term Care Insurance?

I started this series of Blogs about Long-Term Care Insurance by pointing out the fact that most of us will face a situation either in our own lives or with the life of someone we love where we have to consider making choices about long-term care needs. Insurance is about protecting our assets from catastrophic loss due to a cause specified. Some of our parents and even ourselves are in situations where we can cover the costs of long-term care and some of us have the means to provide care for our aging parents. Depending only on Medicare or Medicaid … Continue reading

Five Reasons to Begin Planning for Retirement Now

It can be difficult to determine exactly how much you will need in order to retire comfortably. For many young people retirement seems to be a long way off. It can seem to be too much of a hassle to figure out how much to put into retirement and the best way to save towards it. Since many people are confused by all of the options that are available to them, they use this as an excuse to put retirement planning off until a later time. Here are five reasons to begin planning now. 1) If you start saving for … Continue reading