Anti-Vaccination Mom Changed Mind After Her 3 Kids Got Sick

Vaccinations prevent people from catching dangerous diseases. Vaccines also can help stop the spread of a disease. There are schools that require students to have their vaccinations before the student can attend school. A mom who was anti-vaccinations has changed her mind after her three children got sick. Kristen O’Meara has three daughters, all of whom are under the age of seven. She chose not to vaccinate her daughters because she was a big believer in anti-vaccination research. O’Meara said she actively sought out anti-vaccination research and books and presumed that they were accurate. Anti-vaccination research has been proven flawed. … Continue reading

Probiotics and the Rotavirus

As we learned from tiggermom3 here at, the rotovirus can be a scary and dangerous virus, especially when it hits young children. My eldest child contracted it when he was less than three months old, and it was a trying time. Although he didn’t wind up in the hospital as so many babies do when they get dehydrated from the illness, it was still a hard thing for him and for us to go through. When the rotavirus vaccine was released, I was happy to have my next two children vaccinated. But vaccinations aren’t for everyone. Now, here is … Continue reading

Guide to the Rotavirus Vaccine

When it comes to your baby, I am of the mindset that the more information you have at hand, the better chance you have of making the right decision for your baby. Immunization is a highly debated topic among some. Many parents choose not to vaccinate and are trying to enact laws that make it illegal for a child to be refused private daycare because of lack of immunization. Other parents believe wholeheartedly in the power of vaccinations to protect children from potentially fatal diseases and oppose measures that would allow non-vaccinated children to be enrolled in private day care … Continue reading