Five Tips for Speaking in Sacrament Meeting

You pick up the phone and unexpectedly you receive the dreaded call. You have been asked to speak in Sacrament meeting in a week or two. This can be a scary prospect for some, while others thrive with the extra attention. In either case it means extra work in the coming weeks as you strive to prepare the talk. Here are five tips to help make your talk a success. 1) The first tip is to relax. I am surprised at the number of people who seem completely self confident when interacting with others who completely freeze when speaking to … Continue reading

Primary Time: Sacrament Meeting Mayhem

Having our third child has really put us at odds during Sacrament meeting. There just don’t seem to be enough hands to go around. We were doing all right when my husband and I could each focus on a child, but now there is always someone getting loose. Generally it is my two year old son. He likes to run. Last week the overflow to the overflow was open with about fifteen feet of empty space to the back wall. He took off running about three times. Of course last week was actually one of our better weeks. We are … Continue reading

Primary Time: Teaching Reverence to Older Children

One of the most difficult things to teach your children is reverence during Sacrament meeting. As your child grows older your expectations of reverence will change. When you have a younger child you may be focused on teaching them to be quiet. As they grow older you may want to help them learn to listen and appreciate the talks in Sacrament meeting. Here are five ideas to help your older children to pay attention during Sacrament meeting. 1) One easy place to begin is the Sacrament. You can begin by having them pay attention while the Sacrament is being passed. … Continue reading

Primary Time: Five Tips to Encourage Reverence in Sacrament Meeting

If you have Primary age children, especially those in Junior Primary, you may be struggling with teaching your children reverence. It can be difficult finding the fine line in which you teach your children to be quiet and respectful during Sacrament meeting, and keeping them entertained. You can not expect a three year old to pay attention to adult speakers for an hour, especially when adults may have the same problem. Here are five ways to help teach your children reverence during Sacrament meeting. 1) Try to have your children sit quietly until the Sacrament has been passed. In my … Continue reading

Primary Time: Primary Sacrament Program

Primary children should be anxiously preparing their annual Sacrament program. Each ward’s primary presidency and bishopric determine the date that it occurs. The dates range from early September to late November. The Primary Sacrament program is a wonderful meeting. The children are able to showcase what they learned throughout the year. It includes songs and speaking parts. Usually primary presidencies try to give each child either a spoken part or a special musical number to participate in. If you have a child in Primary than you will need to practice his part with him. This will help the program to … Continue reading

Adventures in Sacrament Meeting

Lately, I have been having Adventures in Sacrament Meeting. (The last part of the sentence should be read in a loud booming announcer’s voice.) If you’ve ever been a parent to young children or sat next to someone with young children, you should know what I mean. My adventures are not the kind that I look forward to every Sunday. Each week I go with a fresh resolve that this week isn’t going to be as bad as last week. It usually starts out calmly enough until we say the opening prayer. Then the adventure begins. My one-year-old wiggles his … Continue reading