Bible Stories: The Temptation of Jesus

In Matthew 4:1-11, the Bible speaks of the temptation of Jesus. While the concept of temptation may be too advanced for some children, I think it is an incredibly important concept for children who are a little older to understand. Even beginning at a young age, children will be tempted by their friends or by things they see on television to behave in ways that are unacceptable. Hopefully if children realize that temptations exist in this world, they will be better prepared to fight against the temptations that they are faced with in their lives. I would begin this lesson … Continue reading

The Occult and Christians

The book of Ephesians goes a little into spiritual warfare. If you don’t believe in a spirit realm, I ask you to really examine why. There is too much evil in our world today, and yet so many miraculous things happening that it’s impossible for me to believe differently than the Bible states. God gives us very clear instruction through out the Word not to have any dealings with various aspects of the “dark side”. He is not out to prevent us from having fun, but rather wants us to protect our souls. It’s so important for us to remain … Continue reading

Our Own Terrorist Aboard

It’s without hesitation we take this day to remember the victims of 9/11 and pray for their families. I hope these last 5 years have brought a sense of newness and found strength to those who’ve endured tragedy. May the arms of God surround you today. Inspired by our pastor’s sermon, I’d like to further elaborate about a terrorist we all have on board our own lives. An enemy that would prefer us to remain seated and calm while he takes over, keeping us ineffective for Christ, destroying as much as possible. This enemy is real. As we live our … Continue reading

The First Family (1)

In America the phrase “first family” always refers to the President and his family; however, I want to focus on a different “first family”. I want to discuss the first family of this world, of all creation: Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve’s creation and life is found in Genesis 1:26 through Genesis 5:4. God created a beautiful, magnificent world where man could grow and live. God saw that His creation was “good”-a terminology repeated over and over throughout the creation account. However, in Genesis 2:18 the Bible states: “And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man … Continue reading