Why Are the Little Things So Important?

Often I think about what one aspect of living the gospel stands out as the most important thing that I should focus on, and I never can quite pinpoint what one thing is the most important. Every aspect, and principle is equally important to maintaining and strengthening your testimony. Each individual aspect works to make you balanced and whole, and neglecting one aspect such as personal scripture study, personal prayer, paying your tithing or attending the temple can all have a negative influence on you. It is important to remember that the little things help to maintain an overall peace … Continue reading

Scripture Study and My Day

Today has been one of those days where I rattle around, attempting to do a long list of tasks, and not getting anything done. As I sat down at my computer preparing to begin my writing for the day I asked myself what was wrong with me today. And it hit me that I hadn’t read my scriptures yet today. So I went and read them, and prayed, and I’ve felt so much more peaceful today. Daily scripture reading is a chance to focus and to be still. During the time that we read our scriptures each day it shows … Continue reading

Focus during Scripture Study

How do you prepare yourself to study the scriptures? What frame of mind are you in when you kneel to pray? It is important to come prepared so that you can learn as you study and pray. In 3 Nephi 11 we read about how it took the Nephites three times before they were able to understand the voice from heaven. In verses 5 and 6 we read: “And again the third time they did hear the voice, and did open their ears to hear it; and their eyes were toward the sound thereof; and they did look steadfastly towards … Continue reading

Primary Time: Scripture Study for Your Children

I remember when my parents began having family scripture study. I was in first or second grade. They kept it short, each person who could read, read one verse. At that rate it took us years to read the Book of Mormon. However, the biggest benefit was that it made us comfortable reading the scriptures. I know that most of my sisters and brothers read the scriptures on their own now, and that they started when they were children. When you read aloud at home, you are not as uncomfortable when you make a mistake. It makes reading in front … Continue reading

Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 14:18-30

Nephi, deep in vision with the angel of the Lord, is being shown the end times of the world and the fate of his descendants. He also sees John the Revelator and learns of his role in warning us about the signs of the second coming. 18. And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me, saying: Look! 19. And I looked and beheld a man, and he was dressed in a white robe. 20. And the angel said unto me: Behold one of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. 21. Behold, he shall see and write the … Continue reading

Are You in a Scripture Study Rut?

Daily scripture study is a wonderful opportunity to spend time reflecting on the gospel. It is a time when you can learn more about Christ. It is also a time to meditate and bring the spirit into your life. If you find that your scripture study is not as effective as it used to be, you may be stuck in a study rut. You should try to do things a little differently to make the most of your time. The first thing you should do is to pray before and after you read the scriptures. This simple step is easy … Continue reading

Spiritually Nourish Your Family

As parents we are always striving to care for children. Often times this will focus on caring for them physically. We make sure that they have food to eat and get adequate rest. We take them to the doctor and teach them how to take care of themselves. But are we focused on caring for our children’s spiritual needs on a regular basis? It is important to take time each day to help your children spiritually. The easiest and most basic way to do this is to have family prayer and scripture study. Family home evening also gives you the … Continue reading

Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 13:36-40

Nephi is having a vision of the things that will come to pass in the future, specifically as pertaining to his seed. When we left off last time, his guide, the angel, had just told him that the missing portions of the Lord’s word would be hid up until it is time for them to be revealed. 36. And in them (the hidden books) shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and my salvation. 37. And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift … Continue reading

Improving Family Scripture Study

Family scripture study is a great way to teach your family the gospel. We have been counseled to study the scriptures as a family. This habit will bring your family closer together and the spirit into your home. If you have not consistently sat down and began family scripture study or if you are looking for ways to make family scripture study more effective, here are five tips to help you out. 1) Be organized. It is important to have a regular time set aside to do scripture study each day. This helps your children know what to expect as … Continue reading

Study the Scriptures by Topic

My scripture study has taken on a much more meaningful light in the past few weeks. I have studied the scriptures by topic before, but usually just to prepare for a talk or lesson. Just recently I have been wanting to bring my scripture study to a new level, and so I decided to study about a specific question or issue that I was worried about each day. It is amazing to me how the scriptures do contain answers to every aspect of our lives. The topical guide is a great resource to help you to find answer to questions … Continue reading