Silly String: Lifesaving Gift for Soldiers?

Have you heard that Silly String or other brands similar to this product may be the best gift you can give our troops? It sounds, well… a little silly, but it’s actually quite serious. The Marines apparently came up with the idea but word is traveling fast. Silly String can be sprayed as troops enter buildings in order to locate trip wires. Talk about thinking on your feet! These guys know how to improvise! If the string goes straight down, no problem. If it seems to hang in the air, it could be due to nearly invisible trip wires, which … Continue reading

Rainy Day Fun

Rain, rain, go away! Children chant this little ditty when the rain comes to spoil their fun. But, there are ways to keep kids entertained indoors. Tub Time You have probably heard many different ideas, but this one might surprise you. Since the kids can’t play in the pool, get them into their bathing suits and let them play in the tub! Explain that they cannot overdo the splashing and get the floor all wet. Still, it is a good idea to lay some extra towels in front of the tub. Let the kids bring a few pool toys into … Continue reading