Simon Cowell’s Take On Britney The Train Wreck

You had to know that “Mr. Nasty” (or is he the “King of Honesty”) Simon Cowell wouldn’t be able to hold his tongue too long after watching Britney Spears tank on the MTV Video Music Awards. Here are some of his kinder remarks: “Britney made possibly the worst comeback in history on Sunday night, performing her new track Gimme More. She pranced around like a zombie in bra and pants in a performance which could have effectively ended her career as a pop singer.” Cowell, who has had a hand in shaping the careers of pop singers around the world … Continue reading

Simon Cowell: He’s Really Not That Nasty

If you watched American Idol Tuesday night, you may have noticed a bit of controversy. Contestant Chris Robinson sang a somewhat nasally version of the country tune “Mayberry” by Rascal Flatts. While Randy and Paula said they couldn’t feel any connection between Chris and the song, Simon insisted it was nasally and a non-descript vocal. Chris argued that nasally was a form of singing. If that is true, then there is still hope for me as a singer! Anyhow, after that exchange, Chris who hails from Chesapeake, Virginia, threw in a quick note about the Virginia Tech tragedy that had … Continue reading

The Sam Simon Foundation and the “Dog Nut”

More and more as I get older I find myself getting a little bit jaded about the world we live in. Too much of a gap between the haves and the have nots, too many who are in positions to do good with their fame and/or wealth but don’t, too much emphasis on the negative, etc. But every once in a while I stumble across a story of good that renews my faith in people. On Sunday night I ran across such a story while watching 60 Minutes. Morley Safer did a piece called “Meet Sam Simon, The Dog Nut.” … Continue reading

Hunting for Easter Fun

Easter is a fun-filled holiday for kids of all ages with much of the excitement saved for the traditional egg hunt that serves as the centerpiece of family get-togethers. Of course, for some, “traditional” can translate to “boring.”  If you fear that your upcoming Easter egg hunt may leave your pint-sized guests snoozing rather than shouting with glee, consider the following ideas: Scavenger Hunt:  This hunt requires looking for clues as well as eggs.  Start off by placing an egg next to each clue.  Next, begin the hunt as a group.  The first child who figures out the clue gets … Continue reading

Get Your Holiday Game On

  Tis the season to party. The holidays are a time for festive family fun.  However, the key successful entertaining is to have a host of activities on hand for guests of all ages. The following Christmas-themed games and projects are sure to keep your guests in the holiday spirit long after they leave your home: Christmas Sing-Off:  Instead of bundling up to go caroling outdoors, host a karaoke contest inside using holiday-themed tunes.  Or, you could have your guests split into groups and sing favorite songs a cappella. Trivia:  Go online to retrieve a bunch of holiday-themed trivia questions, … Continue reading

National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

Guess what today is? It is National “Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day.” And the timing couldn’t be more perfect, with Thanksgiving right around the corner. If you are hosting the Thanksgiving meal, you want to make sure everything is spotless. And you definitely want to make room for the food, so why not take advantage of this National event? Personally, I will be saving this job for the weekend. If you can do it today, go for it. But remember, this isn’t just about taking out the stuff that’s growing mold (oh, I hope that isn’t happening in your fridge—talk … Continue reading

Genealogy Podcast Roundup – Week of July 2, 2012

Once a week, the Genealogy Podcast Roundup brings you brand new episodes of your favorite genealogy podcasts. This is a good place to find genealogy podcasts that are new to you, and to find podcasts that do not always discuss genealogy topics, but have for one, random, episode. Family Tree Magazine released their episode for June of 2012 on June 27, 2012. This episode is hosted by Lisa Louise Cooke. Diane Haddad explains how to find archived genealogy blog posts on any subject. Gena Philibert Ortega shares ideas from her new book “From the Family Kitchen, Discover Your Food Heritage … Continue reading

A Quick Comparison of DNA Test Kits

There is more than one way to track down your ancestors. Many genealogists spend time searching for vital records and documents that will help them connect one ancestor to another. Others purchase home DNA kits in order to discover relatives whom they are genetically related to but have never met. Here is a quick comparison of many of the DNA kits that come from different companies. Ready to get your DNA tested? There are plenty of different DNA kits out there that can do that for you. Each of them require you to send in a sample of your DNA. … Continue reading

Easter’s On Its Way

Easter is right around the corner. Thankfully, all of my Christmas decorations are put away. Of course, places like Target and Wal-Mart, which have been hawking Easter paraphernalia since the day after Valentine’s, don’t make the countdown any less stressful. Does candy expire? Because at this point I don’t even want the Easter treats that have been sitting on store shelves since mid-February. Then again, rotten candy is the least of my worries. I got sucked into coordinating our church’s annual Easter party. Consequently, I have to complete the kids’ game and activity line-up by Friday, so another mom can … Continue reading

Make it a Kid-Friendly Valentine’s Day

Cue cupid; Valentine’s Day is just a week away. Love is in the air, but if you are planning to celebrate the holiday with kids, you are better off skipping the slow dances and romantic gestures, and instead, emphasize the fun factor. Get kids involved in all aspects of the party planning. Older kids can help blow up festive red, pink and white balloons, while you hang streamers and other cute Valentine decorations, such as kitten and teddy bear-shaped window clings. Preschoolers can also get in on the fun by assisting you in the kitchen. Create a healthy Valentine’s Day … Continue reading